
The National Association of Science Writers hosts the following email-based discussion lists. The lists are only lightly moderated and participation is subject to these policies.

  • NASW-Covid: Subjects relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic (open to journalists covering the COVID-19 pandemic)
  • NASW-Freelance: Subjects specific to freelancing (open to current NASW members only)
  • NASW-Parents: Subjects specific to science writers and parenting (open to current NASW members only)
  • NASW-PIO: Subjects relevant to public information officers (open to current NASW members only)
  • NASW-SciWriKids: Subjects relevant to science writing for children (open to current NASW members only)
  • NASW-Talk: Subjects related to science writing (open to current NASW members only)

To join the NASW-Covid list, which requires approval to join, contact webmaster@nasw.org. To join any of the other lists, join NASW. If you are already an NASW member, log in and click on your username at the top of any page, then select the "Mailing lists" tab to subscribe to any available list.

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Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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