Carol Cruzan Morton
Belmont, Mass. USA
Science writer
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Mass. USA
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Brigham & Women's Hospital
therapy for every breast cancer, Brigham and Women's magazine, Winter 2004.
Society for Women's
Health Research
"Sex Differences in
Immunology and Autoimmunity: The Biology of Sex Differences," 8 November
2001. (Scientific
Proceedings (PDF), Review Article)
Association of American Medical Colleges
"Keeping Patients
First: AAMC's Strategic Response Guide to Controversies in Human Clinical
Research," AAMC Office of Communications, Nov. 2000. (Not available
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Find Potential Mechanism Linking Obesity to Type 2 Diabetes," BIDMC
news release, 14 June 2001.
Cell Defect May Trigger Insulin Resistance in Muscle And Liver,"
BIDMC news release, 7 Feb. 2001.
Side of Brain May be Key to Recognizing Yourself, Study Says," BIDMC
news release, 17 Jan. 2001.
Vaccine Study Harnesses 'Killer' Immune Cells to Control Virus, Prevent
Disease in Animals," BIDMC news release, 19 Oct. 2000.
Smoking Reduces Full Benefits of Angioplasty," BIDMC news release,18
Aug. 2000.
"New Web
Resource Aims to Speed Research on Heartbeats, Brain Waves," BIDMC
news release,1 Aug. 2000.
Details Use, Misuse of Antibiotics to Prevent Heart Infections,"
BIDMC news release, 4 July 2000.
Skin Substitute Helps Heal Diabetic Foot Ulcers Faster," BIDMC news
release, 11 June 2000.
"Two New
Angiogenesis Inhibitors with Cancer-Fighting Potential," BIDMC news
release, 2 June 2000.
Engages Mind and Body, Imaging Study Shows," BIDMC news release, 2
June 2000.
Understanding of Migraines May Lead To More Effective Treatments,"
BIDMC news release, 27 April 2000.
Reduces Surgical Pain and Time, Improves Safety," BIDMC news
release, 27 April 2000.
Study Finds Marijuana Use Can Trigger Heart Attack," BIDMC news
release,3 March 2000.
Discover New Vein of Cancer-Fighting Agents," BIDMC news release, 6
Jan. 2000.
Pain Reliever for Rheumatoid Arthritis Works With Fewer Gastrointestinal Side
Effects," BIDMC news release, 23 Nov. 1999.
Rejection Cells Die to Accept Transplanted Organs, Studies Say,"
BIDMC news release, 2 Nov. 1999.
of Aging May Have Significant Effect on Gaits of Older Persons,"
BIDMC news release, 2 Nov. 1999.
Discover Potential New Approach to Treating Cystic Fibrosis," BIDMC
news release, 9 Oct. 1999.
Pig Cells Implanted in Stroke Patient," BIDMC news release, 22 Sept.
Reveals How Brain Controls Eating In Normal Rats," 26 Aug. 1999.
Patterns Open Window to Neurological Development," BIDMC news tip,
13 July 1999.
People Read Braille With Visual Part of Brain," BIDMC news tip, 13
July 1999.
Hip Pad Technology to Take The Fall," BIDMC news tip, 13 July 1999.
Enzyme Tied To Tangles In Alzheimer's Disease," BIDMC news release,
23 June 1999.
Skin Heals Foot Wounds in More Patients, Less Time, Study Shows,"
BIDMC news release, 19 June 1999.
Evidence of Protected HIV Reservoir in Semen," BIDMC news release, 1
May 1999.
Says Angioplasty Improves Quality of Life for Elderly Patients,"
BIDMC news release, 8 March 1999.
Change May Double Breast Cancer Risk for Some Women," BIDMC news
release, 10 Feb. 1999.
Brown University
Poison playing soon in your neighborhood, starring a nasty chemical,"
George Street Journal, Sept. 18-24, 1998.
find solar system's hottest surfaces on Jupiter's moon Io," George
Street Journal,
July 24-Sept. 3, 1998.
ideas and expert sources in health and medicine," Brown University
News Bureau, 20 July 1998.
ideas and expert sources for HIV and AIDS issues," Brown University
News Bureau, 20 July 1998.
scale prison walls to help women at risk for AIDS stay out of jail,"
Brown University News Bureau, 20 July 1998.
find solar system's hottest surfaces on Jupiter's moon Io," Brown
University News Bureau, 2 July 1998.
to access, adherence and tolerance of protease inhibitors," Brown
University News Bureau, 30 June1998.
results for woman-controlled anti-HIV product," Brown University
News Bureau, 30 June 1998.
AIDS drugs may promote heart disease," Brown University News Bureau,
30 June 1998.
guidelines stress early potent drug cocktails, individualized therapy,"
Brown University News Bureau, 27 June 1998.
access to clean needles may reduce spread of HIV infection," Brown
University News Bureau, 25 June 1998.
faculty to discuss research at World AIDS Conference," Brown
University News Bureau, 24 June 1998
what? Tadpoles hear through simple auditory system," Brown
University News Bureau, 2 June 1998.
story ideas in science, environment and technology," Brown
University News Bureau, 2 June 1998.
mappings of the heartbeat show healthy hearts make best music,"
Brown University News Bureau, 2 June 1998.
new picture emerges of Earth's most volcanically active area," Brown
University News Bureau, 21 May 1998.
research awards honor graduate students, faculty," Brown University
News Bureau, 20 May 1998.
I quote you on that? Brown scientists meet the press," George
Street Journal,
May 1-7, 1998.
take center stage at Brown student talent show, " Brown University
News Bureau, 27 April 1998.
approach works to increase breast cancer screening rates," Brown
University News Bureau, 27 March 1998.
is for medicine, D is for detective," George Street Journal, March 27-April 2, 1998.
Montgomery Hunter to deliver annual Harriet W. Sheridan Lecture,"
Brown University News Bureau, 26 March 1998.
images from Jovian moon Europa point to slush below surface," George
Street Journal,
March 6-12, 1998.
on Europa data from the Galileo Mission to Jupiter," 2 March 1998.
University of California, Davis
Art of Science,
UC Davis Magazine,
Summer 1997.
"New Understanding of Crab Populations May not Bring Fishermen's
Delight," UC Davis News Service, May 1997.
"Right Brain May Control Writing in Some Lefties, Study Shows," UC
Davis News Service, Nov. 1996.
"Campus Caches Data in New Computing Partnership," UC Davis News
Service, April 11, 1997.
"Study Shows Problems With Certain Flight-control Systems," 4 March
"Telecommuting Differences Found Between the Sexes," UC Davis News
Service, Feb. 10, 1997.
"Fewer Levees, Working Flood Plains Mean Less Destruction, Geology Prof
Says," UC Davis News Service, Jan. 27, 1997
"Beak of the Finch and Origin of Species, Topic of Lectures," UC
Davis News Service, Jan. 22, 1997
"Bottom-up Ecological Processes Better for Clear Waters, Study
Finds," UC Davis News Service, Jan. 16, 1997
"Bigger Biology Tackled Through Keyboards," UC Davis News Service,
Jan. 15, 1997
into the Future, UC Davis Magazine, Winter 1997.
"Contest Spurs Butterfly Expert to Collect Better Data," UC Davis
News Service, Dec. 16, 1996.
"Measuring public opinion can be both art and science," UC Davis
News Service, Dec. 10, 1996.
"Student Logs In To Inspire Awareness, Not Guilt," UC Davis News
Service, Dec. 5, 1996.
"Researcher Discovers Key Brain Center for Speech," UC Davis News
Service, Dec. 5, 1996.
"Math, the Subject of our Discontent, Finds Much Ado in New Book,"
UC Davis News Service, Dec. 5, 1996.
"Right brain may control writing in some lefties, study shows,"
with illustration, UC Davis News Service, Nov. 13, 1996.
"Wild Tales of Researchers Gone Far Too Long," UC Davis News
Service, Nov. 6, 1996
"Few Pelicans Survive Oil Cleanup, Researchers Report," UC Davis
News Service, reworked for UC
Davis Magazine,
Oct. 25, 1996.
Senate names top teachers," UC Davis Dateline, 14 June 1996.
wins teaching prize," UC Davis Dateline, 19 April 1996.
passion for transportation debate fueled his engineering career," UC
Davis Dateline,
22 March 1996.
quest to teach science rippled through the state," UC Davis
Dateline, 22
March 1996.
Bubbles Designed by Nature Are Best Containers, Mathematicians Say,"
news release, 3 August 1995.
"Cheetahs on the Spot," UC Davis Magazine, Spring 1995, p. 20.
by the numbers. Statitician Jessica Utts uses statistics to make data in
parapsychological experiments more credible," UC Davis Dateline, 21 Jan 1995. (Council for the
Advancement and Support of Education district award for collaborative news
release; Arlen
Specter calls.).
"Fish Out of Water," UC Davis Magazine, Winter 1995, p. 23.
"How UC Davis Helped Save Mono Lake," UC Davis Magazine, Winter 1994, cover feature, (Council for the
Advancement and Support of Education district award).
"Brain Trust," UC Davis Magazine, Spring 1994, p. 16.
"but seriously folks...," UC Davis Magazine, Winter 1993, p. 25