Nancy Bazilchuk [my book] [resume] [home] [articles I've written] [contact me]

Papers I've edited


"The influence of microclimate and species interaction on the composition of plant and invertebrate communities in alpine tundra at Junkerdalen, Norway," D. A. Rae, W.S. Armbruster, M.E. Edwards and M. Sveingård, Department of Botany and Geography, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska -Fairbanks May, 2003

"Factors and Items measuring safety culture and climate in organisations,"Jon Ivar Håvold, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Ålesund University College April, 2003

"Does National Culture Influence Safety Culture?" Jon Ivar Håvold, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Ålesund University College April, 2003


"Local and systemic responses to pathogen infection and drought in Norway Spruce," Nina Elisabeth Nagy et. al, Norwegian Forest Research Institute, Nov. 6, 2002

"A Software Process Model to Support Learning of COTS Products," Prof. Letizia Jaccheri and Marco Torchiano, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Nov. 13, 2002

"Thought Drawing: Dialogical thinking and dialogical culture at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art," Hege Charlotte Faber, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Dec. 9, 2002

"Early Childhood Music Association of Norway," informational video script, HeadSpin Productions, Dec. 6, 2002

"Gas Turbine Operation Offshore: On-Line Compressor Wash at Peak Load," Elisabet Syverud,, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Dec. 10, 2002
