Sid's Science Stories (Miscellaneous, 1999-Present)

Articles available through this link were written while Sid was a freelance science writer based in Alamogordo, NM.

The following feature story was written for Science News.

Copyright: 2000, Science Service
All rights reserved.

Building a Supermodel

Jack, a digital simulation, helps equipment designers assess the ergonomics of the workplace. Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory hope to expand this concept to simulate all aspects of human biology, from anatomy to the genetic code.
(Full COVER STORY of 1/22/00)

The following feature story was written for StarDate magazine, a publication of the University of Texas at Austin McDonald Observatory.

Copyright: 1999, Sid Perkins
All rights reserved.

Martian Rockhounds

A series of missions in the next decade may bring a few small pieces of Mars to Earth. Scientists will search these samples for microscopic fossils or other evidence of life.
(Full COVER STORY of Nov/Dec 1999)

The following feature story, which is based on a book published by Smithsonian Institution Press, was written for The Chronicle of the Horse.

Copyright: 1999, Sid Perkins
All rights reserved.

When Horses Really Walked On Water

Before the steam engine was invented, there were three sources of usable power: wind, water, and animals. The first of these to be harnessed -- literally -- was animal.
(Full feature article of 5/21/99)

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