Sid's Science Stories (Stars and Stripes)

The following stories were written as a medical correspondent for Stars and Stripes in the Fall of 1997.

Copyright on all stories: 1997, The National Tribune Corporation.
All rights reserved.

VA Correcting "Severe Lack of Information" on Herbicide Exposure

The VA is looking for a better way to determine veterans' exposure to Agent Orange and other major herbicides used in Vietnam.
(Full story of 9/8/97)

VA Psychiatrist Concerned About New Super-Painkiller's Availability

A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel last month recommended approval of a new product to treat pain associated with cancer, but not without considerable debate and expressions of concern from a VA psychiatrist during the hearings.
(Full story of 10/6/97)

Copyright on all stories: 1997, The National Tribune Corporation.
All rights reserved.

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