New York Academy Names New Director of Communications

Diane McNulty has been appointed director of communications for the New York Academy of Sciences. Before joining the Academy, McNulty was vice president/manager of client services for the public relations firm of Burson-Marsteller, where she worked with a wide range of clients including the Ford Foundation, Group W Westinghouse, the Ciba Educational Foundation, and The New York Times.

Earlier, she was director of public affairs for late New York Newsday, where she helped launch the newspaper's city edition and served as its spokesperson. She also managed media relations and oversaw community programs sponsored by the paper. Prior to Newsday, she spent 12 years in book publishing at Macmillan, St. Martin's Press and Dell/Delacorte.

She replaces longtime communications director Ann Collins, who recently retired after a 28-year career at the Academy.

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