NEW MEMBERSCALIFORNIA: Anil Ananthaswamy, New Scientist, Berkeley; Patricia Block, freelance, Burlingame; Elena Conis*, UC Berkeley; Pat Costello, Stanford Medical Center, Palo Alto; Randy Dotinga, freelance, San Diego; Dent A. Earl*, UCLA; Fred Gebhart, Medical Economics, SF; Geoffrey A. Koch*, Stanford; Heidi Ledford*, UC Berkeley; Greta Lorge, freelance, Fountain Valley; David Orenstein*, SF State U; Andreas von Bubnoff*, UC Irvine; Megan Williams*, UC Santa Cruz. COLORADO: Bridget Meaney*, Aurora Community College. CONNECTICUT: Fran W. Lichtenberg, freelance, FWL Communications, Fairfield. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Orla M. Smith, Science; Victor E. Cornejo, American Chemical Society; Anthony Duarskas*, U of Md.; William Douthitt, National Geographic Mag.; Helen Fields, U.S. News & World Report; Nicole Kresge, Technical Resources International; Kara LeBeau, American Geophysical Union; Maureen O’Leary, The National Academies; Julian Smith, Ecological Society. FLORIDA: Alan R. Sharet*, Harvard Ext. School. GEORGIA: Sena Desai, Georgia State U; Kathryn Downer*, Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars; Melinda Tanzola*; Emory; Dawn B. Vincent, freelance, Decatur. IDAHO: Nicole Stricker, Idaho Nat’l Lab, Idaho Falls. IOWA: David G. Campbell, freelance & Grinnell College. ILLINOIS: Laura Grossmann*, DePaul U; Alexis Maislen*, DePaul U; Marcy Vana, Northwestern U. INDIANA: Erika Biga, Indiana U; Amy Patterson-Newbert, Purdue News Service; Angela K. Roberts, Bungalow Productions, Crawfordsville, Chelsea Wald*, Indiana U. KANSAS: Rebecca Evanhoe*, U of Kansas; Julie M. Tollefson, U of Kansas Ctr. for Res. & Learning, Lawrence. MARYLAND: Stephen Berberich*, U of Maryland; Janet Ochs Lowenbach, Health Care Consulting, Chevy Chase; Jennifer Michalowski, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Rajendrani Mukhopadhyay, American Chemical Society Publications; Leah R. Young, US Dept. of Health & Human Resources. MASSACHUSETTS: Andrea H. Baird*, Boston U; Pamela Ferdinand, MIT Knight Journalism Fellow; Heidi Hardman, Cell Press, Cambridge; Michelle M. Hogan*, Boston U; Audrey Huang*, Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars; Laura M. Hrastar*, Boston U; Emily R. Huhn*, Boston U; Carrie Lock*, Boston U; Corie Lok, Technology Review; Jillian Lee Lokere*, Harvard; Kathryn Love*, Boston U; Sorcha McDonagh, MIT; Megan Ogilvie*, MIT; Ryan Olson*, Boston U; Diana Schoberg*, Emerson College; Mara Vatz*, MIT. MICHIGAN: Margaret A. Hill, freelance, Alma; Naila Fin Moreira*, U of Michigan; Saho Tateno*, Eastern Michigan U. MINNESOTA: Bob Beverage, freelance, Minneapolis. NEBRASKA: Vicki A. Miller, U of Nebraska-Lincoln. NEW HAMPSHIRE: Clare Gupta*, Dartmouth College. NEW JERSEY: Alla Katsnelson, Weill Medical College; Sara K. Tedeschi*, Brown U; Chris Wells*, William Patterson U. NEW YORK: Jill U. Adams, freelance, Delmar; Linsay Borthwick, Seed mag.; Amy Constantine, freelance & investigator, FDA; Caitlin E. Cox*, NYU; Sarah Nell Davidson*, Cornell; Adrienne Drollinger*, Rochester Institute of Tech.; Kyla Dunn, freelance, Brooklyn; Diana Gitig, freelance, White Plains; Ken Kostel, freelance, NYC; Thomas J. Kelleher, III, Natural History Mag.; Lena Nicklas*, Buffalo State College; Leslie Orr, Sr., U of Rochester Medical Center; Ronald A. Palmer, freelance, Williamsville; Trevor Thieme, freelance, NYC; Libby Tucker, Scholastic-Science World Mag., NYC. NORTH CAROLINA: Robin Lichtenwalner*, Wake Forest U; Kim McAllister, NIEHS, Durham; Melinda Ramsey*, Wake Forest U. OHIO: Brynn Burton*, Ohio U; Alexandra DeLuca*, Ohio U; Meredith Kimble*, Ohio U. OREGON: Robin E. Kuns*, Oregon Health Sciences U; Melody Ward Leslie, U of Oregon; Michael MacRae, Oregon Health & Science U.; Rosanna Mattingly, freelance, Meta Writing & Education Services, Portland; Jonathan Modie, Media Relations, OHSU; Kelen Tuttle*, Carelton College. PENNSYLVANIA: Amanda Chase*, Carnegie Mellon; Elke Binder, (Der Tagesspiegel, in Berlin) but now at Carnegie Mellon; Kristine M. Conner, freelance, Bala Cynwyd; Amanda Gefter, freelance, Philadelphia; Paula Hay*, Penn State U; Michael Katz-Hyman*, Carnegie Mellon; Alice E. Lurain*, U of Pennsylvania; Amy Pavlak, Carnegie Mellon. SOUTH CAROLINA: Jessica Hankinson*, Clemson U. SOUTH DAKOTA: Michael Toomey, SD School of Mines & Tech. TENNESSEE: Meg E. Howard*, U of Tennessee; Ogbeyalu Onnmah-Diop*, Meharry Medical College; Martha B. Rider*, U of Tennessee. TEXAS: Kathryn Boul*, U of Texas; Kate Ramsayer, Science News; Adnaan Wasey*, U of Texas. VERMONT: Rachael Moeller Gorman, freelance, Williston; Carrie J. Bowman*, U of Vermont. VIRGINIA: Philip H. Lippel, National Science Foundation; K. Megan Sever, Geotimes/AGI; Erik Stemmy*, Georgetown U; Anne Wenzel, freelance, Arlington. WEST VIRGINIA: John Heys, Charleston Gazette. WISCONSIN: Megan Anderson*, U of Wisconsin; Sara Briles*, U of Wisconsin; Greta M. Zenner, U of Wisconsin. WASHINGTON: Elizabeth A. Dykstra, freelance, Poulsbo; Laura Geggel*, Washington U. St. Louis; Julie Hofstedt Gephart, Pacific Northwest Nat’l Lab; Kate Hulpke*, U of Washington; Kathryn S. Lang, Pacific Northwest Nat’l Lab.; David Laskin, freelance, Seattle; Robert McClure, Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Marjorie A. Murray, Cell Therapeutics, Inc., Seattle; Georganne O’Connor, Battelle, Richland; David Schneider*, U of Washington; Margot Stiles, freelance, Seattle. CANADA: Lisa S. Johnson*, UBC School of Journalism, Vancouver. FRANCE: Peter Follette, freelance, Montpellier. GERMANY: Annika Franck, Kolnische Rundschau, Koln.; Ute Steinbusch, Achen Zeitung. UNITED KINGDOM: Tom Miller, Imperial College of London. *Student member |