About Recruiting:

An Invitation to Members

When I recall my graduate studies in science journalism years ago, the highlights almost all revolve around NASW members: interning with Bob Cowen, recalling Bob Cooke’s consulting me (!) at a press conference, and meeting other such notables during the AAAS annual meeting.

Since budding science writers without an NASW affiliation could miss out on such experiences (and miss learning about some important professional issues), last year I asked how our organization could better reach out to the newcomers. A group of us — freelancer Mitch Waldrop; Rick Borchelt, manager of media relations at Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation; Lynne Friedmann, a public-relations consultant; and I — have developed an on-line letter to solicit new members, especially students.

NASW president Richard Harris is sending out the invitation, which lists our impressive and ever-growing number of benefits—16!—to collegiate science-journalism departments this fall, to reach students as they enter or return to school. (Sharon Dunwoody, a professor of journalism and mass communication who counsels science- and environmental-writing students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has supplied a list of programs we can reach.)

Meanwhile, Bob Finn, a freelancer and NASW’s cybrarian, has put a modified version of the letter on NASW’s Web site, on a page simply called “How To Join NASW.” Depending on the piece’s reception, we plan to follow up by sending the e-mail solicitation to lists such as a broader range of journalism and mass-communication programs, editors-in-chief of collegiate newspapers, and more. We also want to repeat mailings of the letter to science-journalism programs annually.

The idea of reaching out to more students has sparked Friedmann to come up with additional NASW offerings for students exploring science journalism, starting with a column for students in ScienceWriters. Rick has suggested a page on our Web site for students interested in the mentoring program and the like—which Friedmann will also support. If you’re interested in helping these efforts and/or have such valuable assets as a list of editors-in-chief at college newspapers—please contact me at lvandam@mit.edu or Friedmann at 72673.3524@compuServe.com.

—Laura van Dam, Senior Editor, Technology Review.

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