Diane McGurgan


by Diane McGurgan

Annual dues

Dues are due, as usual. Reminder, if your dues aren’t paid by Jan. 30, your NASW card won’t be valid for the AAAS Seattle meeting. Deadline is March 15 if you wish to be included in the 2004 printed roster. And if dues are not in by June 1, you will be dropped from the database and miss out on NASW announcements, ScienceWriters, job ads, and other benefits of membership.

NASW annual meeting

The NASW annual membership meeting will be held Sat., Feb. 14 in Rooms 307-308 in the Seattle Convention Center. It should be a very interesting meeting. One item will be the annual meeting and workshops.

NASW awards reception

NASW’s annual awards presentation and reception will be Sat., Feb. 14 at the Seattle Art Museum. The reception is co-sponsored by the Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories.
