Director of Communications, 2020 to present
Principal Publications Coordinator, 2012 to 2020
Senior Public Information Representative, 2010 to 2011
Univesity of California Natural Reserve System
Identify and report on news throughout the system via the NRS website, newsletter, news releases, and social media. Conceptualize and implement public information strategies to raise awareness of the UC Natural Reserve System. Report on stories and collect video and images from reserves across California. Produce videos about NRS research, programs, and events. Refine the look, structure, content, and user interface of the website of the NRS and its affiliated websites. Produce books, brochures, maps, data visualizations, and other public-facing information about the NRS.
Freelance Writer/Editor, 2000 to 2010
Wrote news and feature stories for online and print publications, including magazines and textbooks. Edited magazines, scientific manuscripts and grant applications. Wrote articles and reports about science and the environment, ecology, medicine, and technology. Editor of Breakthroughs, UC Berkeley’s College of Natural Resources alumni magazine, and Yosemite, the magazine of the Yosemite Association. Clients have included UC Berkeley, UC Davis, New Scientist, Bay Nature, and Cell Stem Cell.
Managing Editor, California Wild 2005 to 2006
Senior Editor, California Wild 2000 to 2005
As Managing Editor, oversaw all aspects of publishing the quarterly natural history magazine of the California Academy of Sciences. Assigned articles, supervised production consultants, managed the budget, attended press checks. Assisted in the redesign of the magazine and the Academy's newsletter. As Senior Editor, Wrote and reported departments and features. Worked with authors to hone articles for the magazine. Composed headlines and captions, copy edited galleys. Searched for art and assisted in photo editing. Supervised associate editor and interns. Brainstormed story ideas. Assisted in the reorganization and redesign of the magazine's Web site. Wrote, edited, and produced the Academy's weekly online science news service.
Reporter, Monterey Herald 1999 to 2000
Covered general assignment, science, and health stories for Knight-Ridder daily newspaper. Wrote features for weekly health and science section, developed in-depth packages on issues such as health insurance. Covered city news including courts and cops, special events, business, and the arts.
The Environmental Legacy of the UC Natural Reserve System, Peggy L. Fiedler, Susan Gee Rumsey, Kathleen M. Wong, editors
University of California Press, 2012
After watching their field research and teaching spots disappear under motel and housing developments, a few University of California professors set out to protect examples of California’s major ecosystems for science. Working with donors and landowners, government agencies, and land trusts and private conservation organizations, they cobbled together what is now the world’s largest university-administered natural reserve system. The book recounts the founding of the NRS and the research, public service, and teaching it supports. Stunning photographs bring its 38 sites and more than 750,000 wildland acres to life.
Natural History of San Francisco Bay, with Ariel Rubissow-Okamoto
University of California Press, 2011 A guide to the human and environmental history of San Francisco Bay and its estuary. Describes the physical processes that control bay weather and water, and what lives beneath its surface and along its shores. Recounts the story of human settlement and environmental degradation now being reversed in a the present era of ecosystem restoration. Nominee, Northern California Book Award in General Nonfiction
Natural Hazards, by Edward Keller et al.
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 and 2012 editions
Contributed case histories and profiles of earth scientists to a college-level textbook covering volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, sinkholes, and other natural hazards.
2013 Harold Gilliam Award for Excellence in Environmental Reporting... from the Sierra to the Sea, from The Bay Institute
National Association of Science Writers
Northern California Association of Science Writers
Graduate Certificate, Science Communication, University of California, Santa Cruz
BA, Biology and English/American Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz
Video production: Final Cut, MPEG Streamclip
Graphic design: InDesign, Photoshop
Data visualization: Tableau
Web content management: WordPress, Dreamweaver |