Diana Steele
Science Writer

E-mail: dsteele "at" nasw "dot" org


My feature and news stories about various topics in physics, cosmology, neuroscience, and other scientific fields have appeared in national and international publications in the U.S., Canada and Australia. My work has been published in newspapers including the Dallas Morning News, Seattle Times, and Montreal Gazette; magazines including Science News, Astronomy, Earth, and Cosmos; and on National Public Radio.

For five years I was a science writer for the University of Chicago and later served as Interim Director of Communications for both the Salk Institute and the UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering.


National Science Foundation journalism fellowship (for reporting in Antarctica, 1995)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellowship, 1991)


BA (Colgate University) and MA (Johns Hopkins University) in chemistry
Science writer since 1991
Freelance science writer since 1998