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Sally James

Sally has skills in journalism, from years as a reporter and editor at daily papers. She has worked as a newsletter editor, creating and designing a product to help lawyers and insurers understand medical controversies. She's worked within medical research organizations to create specialized communications for a variety of audiences, including potential donors.

She has volunteered extensively in public education, and participated in efforts to improve public literacy about science. Besides medicine and science, her writing about families ranges from a grand-boomer identity crisis to teen piercings.

Among her memberships is work on the board of the Northwest Science Writers Association (NSWA), which is a partner with the National Association of Science Writers (NASW).

Work history includes employers and clients:
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
The Oregonian
The Columbian

Children's Hospital and Medical Center
Seattle Magazine
Washington CEO magazine
ParentMap magazine
Columns, University of Washington Alumni magazine
Medical Consultants Network, Inc.
The Columbian

References available on request.

Date last updated: 4/2/09