SWINY (Science Writers in New York) and NYU School of Medicine present:
Frontiers in Biomedical Imaging: New Research and Tour of the Center for Biomedical Imaging at NYU Medical Center
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Center for Biomedical Imaging
660 First Avenue at 36th Street
6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Biomedical imaging techniques have gained so much sophistication that they are now replacing more invasive diagnostic procedures. In addition, machines can image the body in unprecedented detail, greatly advancing research into the understanding of disease.
NYU Medical Center opened its Center for Biomedical Imaging in 2004, and the center contains some of the most powerful medical imaging machines in the world. Its centerpiece is a 7-tesla magnetic resonance image (MRI) machine, which employs a 30-ton magnet with a pull 140,000 times stronger than the Earth’s magnetic field. Also housed at the center is a 64-slice computed tomography (CT) scanner, the fastest in the nation, recording 64 cross-sectional image slices of the body with each rotation of the machine’s sensors around the patient. Each machine is one of a handful that have been installed in the United States.
Join us for short talks by NYU radiologists about the cutting-edge research that is underway using these powerful imaging machines, followed by a reception and tour of the Center for Biomedical Imaging.
Please note that people with pacemakers will not be able to tour the facility, but will be able to attend the talks. Attendees will be asked to remove all metal before the tour, but lockers will be provided. Cameras will be permitted, but only within a certain distance of the magnets.
Welcome and Introduction
Robert I. Grossman, M.D.
Louis A. Marx Professor of Radiology
Chairman, Department of Radiology
“How Advances in Magnetic Resonance Imaging are Providing New Insights into Disease”
Vivian S. Lee, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Radiology
Vice Chair, Research
“Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis: Future Directions”
Robert I. Grossman, M.D.
“Mice, Men and Magnets: MRI in the Assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease”
Joseph Helpern, Ph.D.
Professor of Radiology, Physiology & Neuroscience and Psychiatry
Director, Center for Biomedical Imaging
“Functional Imaging of Chronic Lung Disease Using Hyperpolarized Helium MRI”
Georgeann McGuinness, M.D.
Associate Professor of Radiology
Vice Chair of Education
“And the Beat Goes On: Cardiac CTA (Computed Tomographic Angiography)”
Jill E. Jacobs, M.D.
Associate Professor of Radiology
This event is open to SWINY members and all science, medical, and technology media professionals. Please R.S.V.P. by March 30 to Fenella Saunders at fenella.saunders@nyumc.org. While there is no charge for this event, seating is limited to a maximum of 20 people..
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