Saturday, October 12, 2002

Cold Spring Harbor Field Trip

SWINY members are invited to tour the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Resaearch at CSHL spans cancer, neurobiology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatiocs. The CSHL Watson School of Biological Sciences teaches graduate bioology students. The Dolan DNA Learning Center is the world's first science museum and educational facility promoting DNA literacy. For more information on this research insititution visit: www.cshl.org.

We will plan this field trip if there is enough interest from the SWINY community. Lunch and transportation costs will depend on the number of people who attend.

If you are interested in attending please respond to:
Marion Glick at marion_glick@porternovelli.com ; 212-601-8273
Cathy Yarboroough at cyarboc@mail.rockefeller.edu ; 212-327-7121