Tuesday, April 23, 2002, 6:30 pm

Top Tips For Freelancing Success

Whether you're a freelancer who's been in the business for a while or someone just starting out, good information is always a helpful edge. A panel of freelancers--Vic Chase, Rosie Foster, and Beth Livermore--will give you their secrets for:

When: Tuesday, April 23 at 6:30 pm
Where: Offices of MSNBC, Mezzanine Level A
30 Rockefeller Center (also 49 W. 49th Street)
You must have a photo ID. Please use center, visitor elevators (closest to the 49th street)
Eats: $20 per person ($16 for students with ID)
RSVP: by April 19 to Mariette DiChristina, mdichristina@sciam.com