Kathleen Wong science writer



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Climate warming is a bad acid trip for marine species
The Davis Enterprise, December 23, 2015

On Track: Ecology and epidemiology in the age of GPS
Breakthroughs, Summer 2010

Habitat and humanity: Managing rare species in the metropolis
Bay Nature, Jul-Sept 2010

An inordinate fondness for tropical species
ScienceMatters@Berkeley, Summer 2010

The persistence of plants
ScienceMatters@Berkeley, April 2010

Dino-fish gets safety net
Estuary, February 2010

Forecasting California's future landscapes
ScienceMatters@Berkeley, March 2010

Male frogs losing their macho
ScienceMatters@Berkeley, August 2009

View from the ground: the hidden lives of snakes
Bay Nature, July-September 2008

Lord of the burrows: the incredible, edible ground squirrel
Bay Nature, January-March 2008

Titans of the forest: the nature of California's big trees
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, Summer 2007

Islands in a sea of grass: the unexpected life of stock ponds
Bay Nature, April-June 2007

The aeolian zone
California Wild, Fall 2005

Of birds and beetlejuice
California Wild, Winter 2005

Bringing back native grasses (three stories)
Science In Action, June 2005

Fungus no foe to Australian frogs
ScienceNOW, October 5, 2004

Spread the dung, it's time for dinner
ScienceNOW, September 1, 2004

Coastal water crisis
Coast & Ocean, Spring 2004

Yellowstone's top dog
California Wild, Winter 2004

Food web sandwich
California Wild, Winter 2003

Turn off the lights!
California Wild, Fall 2002

Ant empires
California Wild, Summer 2002

Umbrella species concept leaks
California Wild, Winter 2002

A pixel worth 1,000 words
U.S. News & World Report, July 19, 1999

Bringing back the logjams
U.S. News & World Report, September 6, 1999