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TThe Body Clock Guide to Better Health

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: It's About Time!
  • What Chronomedicine Means to You
  • How This Book Can Help You
  • What Doctors Don't Know About Health & Body Time
  • What Do You Know About Health & Body Time?
  • Same Dose of Medicine Sometimes "Too Much" or "Too Little"
  • Monthly Rhythms May Alter Symptoms, Too
  • Ancient Cultures Recognized Body Time

Chapter 2: Your Body Is a Time Machine

  • Constancy Is an Illusion
  • Constancy and Change Co-Exist in the Body
  • Half-Century of Studies Show That Body Time Matters
  • Most Drug Testing Ignores Time of Day
  • New Drug Design Exploits Body Rhythms
  • Chronomedicine Fosters Research on Gender
  • Chronomedicine: It's Not a "Some Day" Science

Chapter 3: The Discovery of Inner Clocks

  • Science Prompts "The Buzz"
  • No Sun Worshippers Here
  • Cinderella Has a Message for You
  • Seminal Discovery Set Off No Fireworks

Chapter 4: How Your Body Clock Works

  • How Your Brain's Brain Does Its Job
  • Search for Master Clock Spanned Decades
  • A Rare Hamster Opens New Doors
  • Light Signals Set the Clock
  • Why You Need a Nightlight
  • Melatonin Is the Hormone of Darkness, Not of Sleep
  • Time Melatonin Is Taken Governs Its Impact
  • Be a Scientist: Study Your Own Body Rhythms

Chapter 5: Are You a Lark, an Owl, or a Hummingbird?

  • What Type of Bird Are You?
  • Punch Your Own Time Clock
  • Can Larks and Owls Happily Share a Nest?
  • Lark/Owl Traits Affect Family Life
  • Are Larks Healthier and Wealthier?
  • Timewise Tips
  • Summing Up

Chapter 6: Your Mind at Work

  • Science Yields New Spin on "Best Times"
  • Effort Determines Mental Performance
  • Testing Is Tricky
  • Memory Skills Change Over the Day
  • Don't Let the Post-Lunch Dip Get You Down
  • Moods Change Over the Day
  • Timewise Tips

Chapter 7: A Good Night's Sleep

  • How Much Sleep Do People Need?
  • Sleepless in Seattle, New York, and Your Town, Too
  • Learn How to Unlock Your Personal Sleep "Gates"
  • What Happens When We Sleep?
  • Put Your Internal Alarm Clock to Work
  • How Do People Cope With Extreme Sleep Loss?
  • Why We Must Sleep
  • Timewise Tips for Good Sleep

Chapter 8: The Growing Years

  • Babies
  • Ages One through Six
  • Ages Seven Through Twelve
  • Ages Thirteen to Nineteen
  • Teenagers Lead Busy Lives
  • More Sleep Brings Better Grades
  • Minnesota Starts Classes Later, Launches Study
  • Timewise Tips for Teenagers
  • Timewise Tips for Parents

Chapter 9: Fitness by the Clock

  • Media Coverage Sets Competition Times
  • What Times are Best for Sports Performance?
  • Menstrual Cycle May Alter Sports Performance
  • Home Field Advantage Includes "Home Time" Advantage
  • Jet Lag Undermines Sports Performance
  • Does Exercise Help or Harm Sleep?
  • Is It Okay to Exercise Near Bedtime?
  • Exercise May Help Troubled Sleepers Most
  • Timewise Tips If You Have a Chronic Illness
  • What's the Best Time for Gym Class?
  • Timewise Tips

Chapter 10: When We Eat

  • Three Meals a Day by Nature's Design
  • Regular Mealtimes Increase With Age
  • Fasting in Ramadan Alters Many Daily Rhythms
  • Regular Meals May Keep Other Rhythms in Line
  • What We Eat
  • Breakfast: Energy
  • Lunch: Sustained Alertness
  • Dinner: Relaxation
  • Bedtime Snack
  • How Much We Eat
  • Americans Eat Too Much and Exercise Too Little
  • How Our Bodies Handle Food
  • To Lose Weight, Eat Breakfast
  • Snacking Does Not Spoil Your Appetite
  • How Foods Affect Mind and Mood
  • Caffeine Is a Stimulant
  • Alcohol Is a Depressant
  • Sugar Has Short-Lived Effects
  • Is There a Best Time to Take Vitamins and Minerals?
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips

Chapter 11: Time for Sex


  • Best Time of Day
  • Most Popular Day of the Week
  • Preferred Time of Month
  • Most Active Time of Year

Menstrual Cycle

  • Typical Menstrual Cycle Has Its Own Rhythms
  • Light Exposure May Regularize Cycles
  • Why Close Friends Often Menstruate at the Same Time


  • Can You Choose to Have a Boy or Girl?
  • Pregnancy Disrupts Sleep
  • Timewise Tips to Improve Sleep If You Are Pregnant
  • Night Time Is Prime Time for Births

Perimenopause & Menopause

  • What Causes Hot Flashes?
  • Drop in Estrogen Affects Many Bodily Functions
  • Timewise Tips for Menopausal Women

Hormone Rhythms in Men

Male Mid-Life Changes

  • What Treatment Is Available?
  • Erectile Dysfunction Now Out of the Closet
  • Timewise Tips for Men with Erectile Dysfunction

Chapter 12: Getting the Jump on Jet Lag

  • Jet Lag Is a Modern Malady
  • Daytime Symptoms Bother Travelers Most
  • Travel Fatigue Makes Jet Lag Worse
  • Culture Shock Doesn't Cause Jet Lag
  • Flying East Is Harder Than Flying West
  • North/South Flights Don't Cause Jet Lag
  • Why You Sleep Poorly
  • When Can Sleeping Pills Help?
  • We All March to Different Drummers
  • Bright Light May Speed Clock Resetting
  • Can Melatonin Prevent Jet Lag?
  • Does the Jet Lag Diet Work?
  • Plan Your Visit to the Timeful Hotel
  • Timewise Tips
  • Summing Up

Chapter 13: Clockwatching at Work

  • Out-of-Date Schedules Foster Driver Fatigue
  • Poor Schedules Blamed for Major Industrial Catastrophes
  • One in Five Americans Works Evenings or Nights
  • Types of Schedules Vary Widely
  • Why Shift Workers Rarely Adapt
  • How Out-Of-Kilter Clocks Harm Workers' Health
  • Sleep and Digestive Problems Bother Shift Workers Most
  • Female Shift Workers Face Added Health Problems
  • Does Shift Work Shorten Your Life?
  • Some Chrono "Types" Manage Shift Work Better
  • Forward Rotations Easier on Body
  • Best Speed of Rotation Still Debated
  • Bright Light May Speed Clock Resetting
  • Can Melatonin Help Shift Workers?
  • Lawsuits May Force Workplace Changes
  • Timewise Tips for Employers
  • Timewise Tips for Employees
  • Summing Up

Chapter 14: A Time to Heal

  • Keep Your Own Chronorecord
  • Educate Your Doctor
  • You Need the Right Medicine at the Right Time
  • Best Time to Take Most Medicines Not Known
  • Finding Best Time Proves Daunting Task
  • Some Chronotherapies Already Available

Chapter 15: Sickness & Health from A to (nearly) Z


  • Fatigue Dampens Quality of Life
  • Sleep Disturbances Occur Early in HIV-Infection
  • HIV-infection Changes Immune and Hormone Rhythms
  • More Research Needed on Medication Timing
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips


  • Osteoarthritis (OA)
  • Take Your Medicine Before Pain Usually Starts
  • Timewise Tips for OA
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
  • Take Medicine at Night to Prevent Morning Pain
  • Timewise Tips for RA
  • Anytime Tips


  • Asthma Has Many Triggers
  • Why Asthma Peaks at Night
  • Physicians Still in the Dark on Nighttime Pattern
  • Attacks Vary Over Menstrual Cycle
  • Attacks Vary By Season
  • Better Results, Fewer Side Effects with Timed Dosing
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips

Back Pain

  • Back Pain: A Glitch in Human Design
  • Osteoarthritis Causes Most Back Pain
  • Morning Back Pain Linked With Rare Condition
  • Take Your Medicine Before Pain Usually Starts
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips


  • Cancer Cells Multiply Too Fast
  • Anticancer Drugs Kill Both Cancer Cells and Normal Cells
  • How Timed Medication Dosing Works
  • Rhythms Affect Breast Cancer Detection
  • Does the Time of Breast Cancer Surgery Affect Survival?
  • Does the Time of Radiation Therapy Make a Difference?
  • Timewise Tips

Colds and Flu

  • Cause of Colds No Mystery
  • Medications Can Ease Cold Symptoms
  • Medications Can Ease Flu Symptoms
  • Try to Get Your Flu Shot in the Morning
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips


  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips


  • Bowel Activity is Cyclic
  • What Causes Constipation?
  • Get More Fiber, More Fluids, Eat Regular Meals
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips


  • What Goes Wrong in Diabetes?
  • Daily Rhythms Alter Blood Sugar Control
  • Menstrual Cycle Affects Diabetes
  • Diabetes May Be Harder to Manage in Winter
  • Timed Dosing of Insulin Improves Control of Type I Diabetes
  • Diet, Exercise, Drugs, Improve Type II Diabetes
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips


  • What Goes Wrong in Epilepsy?
  • Sex Hormones Alter Epilepsy in Women
  • Sex Hormones May Alter Epilepsy in Men, Too
  • Sleep Laboratory Studies Aid Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Time of Dosing May Alter Efficacy of Antiepilepsy Drugs
  • Timewise Tips


  • Body Clocks May Be Out of Sync in FM
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips

Gallbladder Attacks

  • Timewise Tips


  • Timewise Tips

Growing Pains

  • Timewise Tips

Hay Fever

  • What Causes Hay Fever?
  • Why Are Symptoms Worst in the Morning?
  • T-i-m-e Spells Relief
  • Timewise Tips


  • Migraines
  • Menstrual Migraines
  • Cluster Headaches
  • Tension Headaches
  • Sex and Headaches
  • The Exploding Head Syndrome
  • Timing May Be Tip-Off to Diagnosis
  • Old & New Medications Ease Headaches
  • Timewise Tips
  • Timewise Tips for Women with Migraines
  • Timewise Tips If You Have Cluster Headaches
  • Anytime Tips


  • Take Medication in the Evening for Nighttime Symptoms
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips

Heart Disease

  • Heart Attacks Peak in Morning
  • What Makes Mornings Risky?
  • Angina (Chest Pain) Peaks in Morning
  • Heart Attacks Jump on Mondays
  • Heart Attacks Surge in Winter
  • Is Morning Exercise Safe?
  • When Is Sex Safest?
  • Chronotherapy Can Help Prevent Heart Disease
  • Chronotherapy Can Help Treat Heart Disease
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips

High Blood Pressure

  • How Blood Pressure Works
  • 3 in 10 Americans with High Blood Pressure Don't Know It
  • Causes of High BP Still Unknown
  • What the Numbers Mean
  • How Time of Day Alters BP
  • Monthly and Yearly Rhythms May Alter BP
  • Discover Your Daily Cycle
  • Daily BP Patterns Predict Health Risks
  • Chrono Success Stories: Preventing Blindness, Helping Babies
  • Medications for High BP: What Time is Best?
  • Using Chronobiology to Design Better Drugs
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips

Mood Disorders

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Major Depression
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Pregnancy-Related Depression
  • Timewise Tips

Multiple Sclerosis

  • Daily Symptoms Often Tied to Body Temperature
  • Fatigue Disturbing But Invisible
  • Attacks May Be Tied to Cyclic Hormones
  • Attacks May Vary Seasonally
  • Variety of Medicines Requires Attention to Timing
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips


  • Timewise Tips


  • Bone Up on Life Cycle Changes
  • Why Old Bones Ain't Going to Rise Again
  • Got Milk?
  • What Is the Right Time to Take Calcium?
  • New Prescription Medicine May Slow Bone Loss
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips

Peptic Ulcers

  • Setting the Scene for Peptic Ulcers
  • Evening Dose of Acid-Suppressing Medicines Works Best
  • Bleeding Ulcers Show Rhythmic Patterns
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips

Premenstrual Syndrome

  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
  • What Causes PMS?
  • What Is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder?
  • What Treatments Help Most?
  • Timewise Tips

Restless Legs Syndrome & Periodic Leg Movements

  • Circadian Pattern May Be Key Diagnostic Clue
  • Periodic Limb Movements Add to Distress
  • Who Gets RLS?
  • Treatment Targets Daily Symptom Pattern
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips

Skin Disorders

  • Many Skin Disorders Follow Cyclic Patterns
  • Skin Eruptions Mirror Menstrual Cycle
  • Rhythms Affect Diagnostic Test Accuracy
  • Cosmetics' Industry Embraces Body Rhythms
  • Some Skin Creams Work Best in Afternoon
  • Timewise Tips

Sleep Disorders

  • "I Can't Turn Off My Mind at Bedtime."
  • "I Toss and Turn All Night"
  • "I Fall Asleep Too Late."
  • "I Fall Asleep Too Early."
  • "I Have Frequent Bouts of Troubled Sleep."
  • "I Sleep in Snatches All Day Long."
  • When Can Sleeping Pills Help?
  • Timewise Tips on Using Bright Light
  • Timewise Tips on Using Melatonin


  • What Makes Mornings Risky?
  • Get Treatment Promptly if You Suspect a Stroke
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

  • What Makes Early Morning Hours Risky?
  • "Back to Sleep" Campaign Lowers SIDS Deaths
  • How Risky is Bedsharing?
  • Specter of Child Abuse Complicates SIDS Investigations
  • Timewise Tips
  • Anytime Tips


  • Tooth Nerve Sensitivity Highest at Night
  • Local Anesthetics Last Longest in the Afternoon
  • Post-Surgical Pain Is Worst Near Dawn
  • Aspirin Works Better for Dental Pain in the Morning
  • Timewise Tips

Urinary Disorders

  • Bedwetting Usually Stops by Age Five
  • What Causes Bedwetting in Children?
  • Psychological Distress Is Common
  • Timewise Tips for Parents
  • Age and Illness Chief Factors in Adult Nocturia
  • Behavioral Treatment and Medications Can Help
  • Timewise Tips for Adults

Chapter 16: Better Health in the 21st Century

  • Computers Foster Chronotherapy
  • Everyone Will "Think Chrono"
  • We Need More Chrono Education


Abbreviations Used in This Book

Resources for Further Information



Charts, Illustrations, and Self-Tests     

  • What Do You Know about Health & Body Time?     
  • The Best of Times    
  • Owl/Lark Self-Test    
  • How Owls and Larks Differ    
  • A Normal Night's Sleep    
  • Menstrual Cycle Clock    
  • Most Annoying Jet Lag Symptoms    
  • Six Time Zones East Jet Lag Coping Guide    
  • The Worst of Times    
  • Health Around the Year   
  • Is Fatigue a Problem for You? 


  • Pain Diary    
  • Breathing Diary    
  • Headache Diary    
  • Blood Pressure Diary    
  • Fatigue Diary    
  • Menstrual Cycle Diary    
  • Sleep/Wake Diary    
  • Urination Diary


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