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Articles I've written

I wish I could archive all my articles, but that would be impossible; what follows is a sampling. Articles marked with an asterisk are from my twice-monthly nature column, "Eye on Nature."


"Hut-to-Hut: Vermonters Heed Call to Norwegian Ski Trails," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press April 10, 2003 full article

"Manipulating Mankind: McKibben analyzes potential implications of innovations," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press April 6, 2003 full article

"Where the Wild Things Are: New ecoreserves let nature take its course," AMC Outdoors Magazine, Jan./Feb. 2003 full article


"Hillside housing prompts change: Development mars highway view, some say," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, July 12, 2002 full article

""Lyndon digs in for cleanup: Passumpsic River ravages homes and businesses" The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, June 14, 2002 full article

* "Wood frogs frolic in spring," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, April 11, 2002 full article

* "Woolly mammoths once roamed our countryside," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, March 28, 2002 full article

"New England's West Coast," Sea Kayaker Magazine, February, 2002 full article

* "Hares' winter survival depends on highways," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Feb. 28, 2002 full article

* "Resourceful chickadees triumph over winter,"The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Jan. 31, 2002 full article


"State has mission to protect farmland,"The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Nov. 26, 2001 full article

* "Winter's approach turns Lake Champlain upside down," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Oct. 18, 2001 full article

"A paddler’s paradise: Canoeists come closer to nature in Ontario’s Algonquin Park," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Sept. 20, 2001 full article

* "Monarch caterpillars help butterfly cycles take flight," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Sept. 6, 2001 full article

"Driving out dealers," editorial,The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Aug. 22, 2001 full editorial

"Nine days of hell," editorial, The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, July 8, 2001 full editorial

"Turning the volume down," editorial,The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, June 27, 2001 full editorial

"The OxyContin dilemma," editorial,The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Aug. 10, 2001 full editorial

"Cancer drug might aid heart: UVM researcher examines risk of tamoxifen," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Feb. 9, 2001 full article


"Vermont struggles with sewage: Problems with water pollution belie environmental reputation," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Dec. 17, 2000 full article

"Opossums on the move: Climate change may be luring critters north,"The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press July 3, 2000 full article

"The raid revisited: Island Pond community heals wounds from 1984," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, June 18, 2000 full article

"Growth chokes Williston stream: Heavy development fouls creek with lakebound toxic soup," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, June 4, 2000 full article

"Warming may threaten Vermont maples,"The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, March 14, 2000 full article

"UVM researcher to test acupuncture: Study will examine tissue's response to insertion of needles," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Feb. 19, 2000 full article


"Uncovering the raven's secrets: Bird intrigues zoologist, inspires new book," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, June 20, 1999 full article

"He's made a bug's life his own life's work: Hinesburg man can put names to creepy critters," The Burlington Free Press, May 5, 1999 full article

"At Nature's Mercy," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, March 28, 1999 full article


"Telemedicine reaches farther: UVM links U.S. doctors to Vietnamese,"The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Dec. 5, 1998 full article

"Vt. surgeon reports promising breast cancer technique: Method reduces lymph removal," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Oct. 1, 1998 full article

"More energy more efficiently from wood," Vermont Woodlands Autumn, 1998 full article

"IBM confronts toxic legacy: Cleanup will cost millions, last for years," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Sept. 20, 1998 full article


"Long Trail Diary: Pollution leaves its mark," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Aug. 4, 1996 full article

"Birds lay seige to lake islands: Researchers study effects, plot solutions," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, July 3, 1996 full article

"Long Trail Diary: On foot through a changing Vermont," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, June 30, 1996 full article


"Superfund, The Road to Nowhere, Day 3: Uncertain risks," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Feb. 9, 1993 full article

"Superfund, The Road to Nowhere, Day 2: Relocated lives," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Feb. 8, 1993 full article

"Superfund, The Road to Nowhere, Day 1 introduction," The Burlington (Vt.) Free Press, Feb. 7, 1993 full article
