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Newsletter Editor, 1987-1999
Issues of Injury

ISSUES OF INJURY, a newsletter printed by Medical Consultants Network, Inc., for its clients and physicians, explored the complicated intersection of medicine and money. Each edition contained articles on medical and legal topics of concern to insurance and legal professionals. Topics included alternative medicine, whiplash, fibromyalgia, head injury, multiple chemical sensitivity, carpal tunnel syndrome, low back pain, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and plantar fasciitis. It is no longer in print.

A partial archive of the articles and news briefs I wrote for ISSUES OF INJURY are listed below:

Index: 1992 to 1999

Accident Reconstruction
Wrestling trauma into an equation
Winter 1995, Volume 9, Number 4

Alternative Medicine
Ancient therapies, modern dilemmas
Autumn 1995, Volume 9, Number 3

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Whose side are you on? Insurers may not want the same things as employers in ADA issues
Winter 1994, Volume 8, Number 4

Arthritis and the Baby Boom
Spring 1996, Volume 10, Number 1

Asthma, Occupational
Every breath counts: Occupational asthma costs millions
Autumn 1996, Volume 10, Number 3

   See Chiropractic
   See Fusion Surgery
   See Low Back Pain

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel vision
Summer 1998, Volume 12, Number 2
The carpal tunnel
Winter 1993, Volume 7, Number 4

Chiropractic: A more effective back treatment or new arena for runaway claims?
Spring 1993, Volume 7, Number 1
What does the court call "reasonable" in chiropractic claims?
Spring 1993, Volume 7, Number 1


Diagnostic Imaging
Medical images: Complex choices, competing technologies
Autumn 1997, Volume 11, Number 3
Stunning new images may unravel mysteries of pain syndromes
Summer 1993, Volume 7, Number 2

Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF)
EMF emerges as high-voltage litigation
Summer 1994, Volume 8, Number 2

Evidence, Scientific
High court changes evidence rules
Autumn 1993, Volume 7, Number 3

Fibromyalgia: Rheumatologists admit treatment failures
Winter 1997, Volume 11, Number 4

Summer 1994, Volume 8, Number 2

Book Review: Accidentally, on Purpose: The Making of a Personal Injury Underworld in America
Autumn 1998, Volume 12, Number 3
California's fight against fraud paying off
Summer 1993, Volume 7, Number 2

Fusion Surgery
Fusion: Surgery famous for failure
Winter 1992, Volume 6, Number 4

Hearing Loss
Toxic noise: Inside the expensive inner ear
Summer 1996, Volume 10, Number 2

Hepatitis C
What is Hepatitis C?
Winter 1998, Volume 12, Number 4

Light Duty
Light duty: How one company added up 2 million worker hours without lost-time injury
Fall 1993, Volume 7, Number 3

Low Back Pain
The high cost of low back pain
Winter 1996, Volume 10, Number 4
Low back pain: A study shines light at the end of the disability tunnel
Spring 1999, Volume 13, Number 1

Malingering: Maze of recovery, money and law confronts insurers
Autumn 1998, Volume 12, Number 3

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
The chemically sensitive controversy
Autumn 1994, Volume 8, Number 3

Multiple chemical sensitivity: Mapping a defense
Autumn 1994, Volume 8, Number 3

Neuropsychology: Measuring the invisible
Spring 1998, Volume 12, Number 1

   See Low Back Pain
   See Fibromyalgia

Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis: A pain in the heel may hit employers in the wallet
Summer 1997, Volume 11, Number 2

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Stormy seas for the post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis
Spring 1994, Volume 8, Number 1

Preventive Medicine
Book Review: Guide to Clinical Preventive Services
Winter 1996, Volume 10, Number 4

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy spells controversy
Spring 1997, Volume 11, Number 1

Rotator Cuff
Rotator cuff: Problems plague unstable joint
Spring 1995, Volume 9, Number 1

Shoulder Pain
Raise Your Hand If You've Experienced Shoulder Pain
Summer 1999, Volume 13, Number 2

Tobacco industry agrees to pay in secondhand smoke case
Winter 1997, Volume 11, Number 4

Cold facts about getting hot under the collar
Winter 1994, Volume 8, Number 4

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Inside the war over shoulder pain
Spring 1994, Volume 8, Number 1


Date last updated: 4/2/09