National Association of Science Writers
Sixth Annual Professional Workshops
14-15 February 2001
Berkeley, Calif.

NASW 2001 Workshops
Berkeley, Calif.

Important deadlines:

  • Nov. 15 - Early registration deadline
  • Nov. 15 - Berkeley preferred housing deadline
  • Jan. 7 - Late registration deadline (add $20 late registration fee)

Registration forms have been mailed to NASW members. To receive a registration form, send your request with your snail mail address to Diane McGurgan,

For the first time, you may pay online, but you still must send in the registration form by mail.

Dear NASW Member,

Welcome to a preview of our 2001 Workshops in Berkeley, Calif. I hope you can join us in the Bay Area for next year's meetings of the National Association of Science Writers and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The NASW Workshop Committee and dozens of your colleagues have worked hard over the last several months to bring you this program. I hope you'll agree that it's a great line-up.

The program speaks for itself, but I'd like to highlight a few important points:

  • We ask that you register and make lodging and travel arrangements as early as possible-space will be limited. Attendance for the Wednesday Science Symposia and the Thursday tour of Lawrence Berkeley Lab (concurrent with afternoon panels) each will be limited to the first 100 registrants. [UPDATE: Wednesday session now full and closed to further participants.] Also, because of space limitations, the sit-down Network Lunch on Thursday will be limited to the first 275 registrants. First come, first served. (Box lunches will be provided for others.) As an added incentive for registering before Nov. 15, you'll avoid a $20 late registration fee. The final registration deadline is Jan. 7, 2001. Sorry, no registrations will be accepted after that date. Please, help us plan-and save yourself a few dollars--register by Nov. 15, 2000.
  • The NASW and AAAS events will be held in different locations. The AAAS Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition will be held across the Bay at the San Francisco Hilton and Towers Thursday, Feb. 15, through Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2001. Because of meeting space limitations in San Francisco, the 2001 NASW Workshops will be held in Berkeley at the Clark Kerr Campus of University of California, Berkeley, on Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 14 - 15, 2001. Travel between these sites will entail some transit challenges. See the lodging and travel note.
  • Finally, since our costs have increased, we're raising workshop fees this year. Costs are higher due to several factors, including the fact that we are paying for our own facilities this year, as AAAS was unable to accommodate us at their site in San Francisco. On the other hand, hotel rates are substantially cheaper in Berkeley, and we have added several perks. On the first day, your registration fee ($45 before Nov. 15) includes breakfast, lunch, and a "Science of Wine" evening reception. On Thursday ($100 for members/$45 for students before Nov. 15), you'll be treated to a healthy breakfast and lunch. (Our thanks to UC Berkeley and UC Davis for helping make the Wednesday event possible.)

We owe thanks to all the panel organizers, as well as NASW Workshop Committee Chair Deborah Blum and members Janet Basu, Merry Bruns, Deborah Franklin, Robin Marantz Henig, Earle Holland, Robert Lee Hotz, Carol Cruzan Morton, Joe Palca, Charles Petit, and Sally Stephens. I also must thank NASW Executive Director Diane McGurgan, NASW Cybrarian Bob Finn, Sylvia Wright and Patricia Bailey of UC Davis, and Robert Sanders of UC Berkeley, to name just a few of the many people who help make the workshops possible.It has been a pleasure to work with such fine folk in organizing this program. I expect you'll find it a pleasure to experience.

Contact me via email at (preferred mode) or by phone at 608.249.4455 for more information. Hope to see you in Berkeley!

Brian Lavendel
NASW 2001 Workshop Coordinator

Updated 27 Nov. 2000
Comments, questions about the workshop Web pages? Contact Carol Cruzan Morton,