NASW Elections: Don't forget to vote by August 26

We have resent personalized voting invitations to all regular members who have not yet voted for the 2014-16 board. Check your inbox [Subject line: "National Association of Science Writers 2014 Election"] and follow the instructions in the email to vote by 3PM Eastern, Tuesday, August 26. If you did not receive an email invite either now or in July, please contact asap for a final resend.

Make your choices for the fifteen 2014-2016 NASW officers and board members. Meet the candidates by clicking on their names below for candidate statements, clicking here for a PDF with photos and statements or perusing the summer issue of ScienceWriters magazine arriving this month in your mailbox. You can cast your ballot in one of two ways: online or in person. Use your personal email invitation to the online voting system. If you prefer to vote in person (or want to vote early and then just come socialize), plan to join us in New York City on Tuesday, August 26, for a meeting and social event:

Elect NASW's officers and catch up with fellow members

Tuesday, August 26

5:30-7:00 PM

The Roosevelt Hotel New York
45 East 45th Street, Sutton Suite
New York, NY 10017
Online proxies close at 3 PM Eastern on Tuesday, August 26. If you issue a proxy online and vote in person, only the in-person vote will count.

Board candidates for 2014-2016

Updated August 12 to reflect candidate's job change. See list below.

The upcoming two-year term begins October 17 just prior to the ScienceWriters2014 meeting.

Here's a glimpse at the 2014-2016 NASW Board slate. To view the candidate statements and photos in PDF, click here.

Officers (4)

Candidates for board members at large (11 positions available)

We are grateful to the candidates for volunteering to help lead the organization and grateful to the following current board members who are cycling off the board, having given years of service to the organization. Our deepest thanks to these "retiring" board members, many of whom will continue to volunteer in other capacities:

Retiring board members

  • Ron Winslow, president, first elected to the board in 2008
  • Beryl Lieff Benderly, treasurer, first elected to the board in 1998
  • Bob Finn, Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Forum, first elected to the board in 2004
  • Rosie Mestel, Nature, first elected to the board in 2010
  • Tabitha M. Powledge, freelance, first elected to the board in 2000
  • Mitch Waldrop, Nature, first elected to the board in 2008

And, finally, special thanks to this year's Nominating Committee members. Chaired by former NASW president Nancy Shute, they worked to over the course of several months this spring to identify candidates and help ensure a diverse slate of volunteers ready to work hard on behalf of NASW.

2014 Nominating Committee

  • Nancy Shute, chair
  • Terry Devitt
  • Robert Finn
  • Jennifer Ouellette
  • Kathleen Raven
  • Ron Winslow

Please join us this fall in Columbus, Ohio, during ScienceWriters2014 as we welcome our new board members and pay tribute to our retiring board members.

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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