Calls to action

NASW logo

Our collective commitment

NASW was founded more than 90 years ago with a mission to “fight for the free flow of science news.” That mission is imperative, yet threatened by recent challenges to the First Amendment and the freedom of the press.

A collection of logos of the five signing organizations

Journalism organizations call for restoration of public data

Leaders of five journalism organizations, including the National Association of Science Writers and representing more than 7,000 members in the United States and abroad, sent the following letter to the heads of eight U.S. federal agencies that have recently removed public datasets and databases funded by Americans’ tax dollars.

Horizontal graphic with the Science Writers 2024 conference logo, a triptych showing the Blue Ridge Mountains, downtown Raleigh skyline, and the North Carolina coastline with a rising sun. Web address science writers 2024 dot org and hashtag Sci Wri 24 are visible below.

A Message from ScienceWriters2024

The National Association of Science Writers, the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing, and the Science Communicators of North Carolina encourage your support for western North Carolina.