Services for editors and employers

The National Association of Science Writers brings publishers and others seeking experienced science writers access to more than 2,000 highly skilled professionals in fields from biology, public health, chemistry, and medicine to ecology, astronomy, and the technological spectrum.

Whether you are an employer seeking to fill a full-time or part-time staff position; an editor offering assignments to (or inviting proposals from) freelancers for articles, books, or other projects; or a scientist who needs a collaborating wordsmith to polish your prose — we offer several ways to reach our members.

Place a job ad

Advertise your needs to our membership of more than 2,000 science writers by using this form to place an ad in the ScienceWriters job forum. Upon receipt of payment, your ad will remain visible for 90 days on the forum and distributed to the 1,100+ members who sign up for instant notifications via email. You may also request to be billed for your ad, although that will result in a slight delay in its posting. Ads for one-time freelance assignments, narrowly defined, may be placed for no charge upon approval. Visit the job ad page for details.

Search our Find a Writer database

Looking for a freelance writer in a specific city, state or country? Use our Find a Writer database to search by names, specialties, expertise, location, and/or area(s) of expertise.

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

A rectangle graphic with a yellow background. The text reads Sharon Begley Science Reporting Award, Honoring a midcareer journalist. Deadline April 30. There is an image of Sharon Begley.

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics