Student coverage of the AAAS 2024 Annual Meeting
NASW's Education Committee paired students with professional science writers for a mentorship program held during the 2024 AAAS Annual Meeting in Denver, Colo.
Launched in 2020, NASW's Student Newsroom is devoted to showcasing the writing of our student members. Student reports from the annual ScienceWriters and AAAS meetings produced prior to 2020 can be accessed in our past event coverage.
NASW's Education Committee paired students with professional science writers for a mentorship program held during the 2024 AAAS Annual Meeting in Denver, Colo.
NASW's Education Committee paired students with professional science writers for a mentorship program held in conjunction with the virtual AAAS 2022 Annual Meeting.
Coverage from the David Perlman Virtual Mentoring Program for graduate and undergraduate students, which was held during the summer of 2021.
NASW's Education Committee paired 22 students with professional science writers for a mentorship program held in conjunction with the virtual AAAS 2021 Annual Meeting.
Coverage from the inaugural David Perlman Virtual Mentoring Program for graduate and undergraduate students, which was held during the summer of 2020.