Info for potential NASW Board candidates

©é Mansi

Every two years, in even years, NASW members elect their Board of Directors. Per the Bylaws, the current President puts together a nominating committee that is responsible for developing a balanced slate that includes candidates from the existing board, candidates recruited from the membership, and self-nominated candidates.

If you want to run for the Board or you are simply interested in how things work, read on and express your interest by March 15 in the year of an election. Elections are held in late summer of even years. Details on the responsibilities of board members are below, with more detail in the downloadable nominee packet, and also in NASW's Bylaws.

Overview of Board Member Responsibilities

The National Association of Science Writers (a 501c6 organization incorporated in the state of New York) runs on volunteer power, and board members are expected to be active and engaged. Board members, as the governing body of the organization, can plan to spend about two hours per week engaged in discussions, leading projects, etc. Officers will spend more time. Potential candidates should discuss the time needed with their employer if necessary.

Each board member is expected to contribute to discussions of, and be familiar with, NASW business and actively participate in at least one NASW committee. Elected board members participate in online board discussions and monthly conference calls. They also must attend the annual meeting. For the upcoming term, the ScienceWriters meeting dates are:

ScienceWriters Meetings
October 9-13, 2020 Boulder, CO
Fall 2021, Memphis, TN

Planning to run

There are two ways to join the list of candidates:

  • 1)The Nominating Committee, working from submissions of interest and recruiting candidates, compiles a list of candidates during the spring preceding elections. The role of the Nominating Committee, a collaborative working group, is dictated by the Bylaws and explained further online here. Interested candidates should send a 500 word statement of interest/bio to no later than the end of the day, March 15 in the year of an election.


    1. Candidates may collect signatures to run by petition. The current NASW Bylaws provide details.

Election Year Timeline 2020

March 15: Interested candidates should send a statement of interest to no later than the end of the day. Would-be candidates should review the Information for Prospective Board Members packet and be comfortable with all requirements.

April 9, 2020(6 months prior to annual ScienceWriters meeting): Candidate list is finalized. Nominations of all-types close.

July: Officer and Candidate bios available.

August/September: Elections. All regular members of NASW eligible to vote. Specific date and location TBA; Proxies will be available for easy online submission, as well.

October 9, 2020: First meeting of new board

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