2010 Special Membership Meeting minutes

FEB. 20, 2010 SAN DIEGO, CA.

President Mariette DiChristina called the meeting to order at 4:10 and established that a quorum existed. She explained that the purpose of the meeting was to vote on the proposed amendments to the Constitution and reviewed the resolution and three voting options. She said that documents from the NASW archives reflected the growth and evolution of the organization and that the update of the Constitution was part of moving toward a larger and more professional organization.

Asked what the Board recommended about the proposed Constitutional amendments, she stated that the recommendation was to vote Yes on all the proposed amendments.

Asked whether any member of NASW have ever been expelled, she said that she knew of no such case. In answer to a question, she explained the option of voting for all the amendments except the ones related to expulsions.

The members present voted by paper ballot.

Mariette then opened the floor for questions and discussions of a general nature.

In answer to a question by Harvey Leifert, a discussion ensued on whether NASW membership should be permanent or whether members should have to periodically prove their eligibility. Mariette stated that the current policy of NASW has been not to spend its resources on the time-consuming task of re-credentialing members and invited those familiar with the practices of other organizations to report.

Steve Tally asked whether NASW had a declared policy regarding the Google book settlement. President DiChristina stated that NASW's policy has been to provide information on the issue. Tally was appointed chair of an ad hoc committee to study what NASW's policy on the Google settlement should be. NASW members are invited to join the committee.

Rick Borchelt asked about Board thinking on the issue of who is a journalist for purposes of running to be an NASW officer. Steve Miller stated that, as the number of staff reporters declines among the membership, the journalist requirement may overly narrow the pool of people eligible to run. A discussion ensued. Paul Raeburn stated that the nominating committee determines eligibility for being an officer. DiChristina stated that the nominating committee is currently at work and encouraged members interested in running for the Board or to be an officer to contact a committee member.

Executive Director Tinsley Davis reminded members of the March 10 deadline for workshop proposals. She also encouraged people to suggest ways of spending Authors Coalition funds, restricted broadly in that in that they must benefit science writers, by emailing program ideas to director@nasw.org.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:45.

Respectfully submitted, Beryl Benderly

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