2011 Annual Membership Meeting minutes



The membership meeting was convened on Oct. 15, 2011, in Flagstaff, Ariz. President Nancy Shute called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m.

Shute congratulated the conference committee on the workshop program.

Ron Winslow presented the treasurer's report. He stated that the finance committee has upgraded its procedures to better deal with Authors Coalition funds. He also reported that NASW's audit had been successful. Finally, he thanked finance committee members Mari Jensen and Rick Bogren for their excellent service.

Program committee chair Robin Lloyd reported on the program committee’s activities. She thanked committee members and reported that the committee has received 22 applications and, thus far, has approved seven, awarding $92,400. Finally, she encouraged members to submit proposals for programs, especially those designed to serve underserved regions.

Shute thanked NASW cybrarian Russell Clemings for his work on the upgraded website.

Internet committee co-chair Adam Rogers introduced the guest editor program, which will provide stipends to individuals who will serve temporarily to bring new ideas to the website. He encouraged members to apply to be a guest editor.

Membership chair Deborah Franklin reported a 10 percent increase in membership over the last year. The committee, she stated, plans to evaluate NASW's membership criteria in light of changing conditions. She also encouraged members to bring to the committee any ideas they have about potential membership benefits.

Vice president Peggy Girshman introduced the staff journalist committee and encouraged members who are staff journalists to join.

Shute introduced the issue of access to government sources and reported that NASW had joined with other journalism groups in protesting the removal of a government database from the Internet. She encouraged members interested in working on the issue access to contact her.

Shute next spoke about NASW's international efforts, telling about the highly successful international conference in Doha, Qatar, of which NASW was co-sponsor. She also introduced NASW 's new initiative to collaborate with Latin American science writers organizations.

Shute announced that the winner of this year's Diane McGurgan Service Award is Jeanne Erdmann.

Executive director Tinsley Davis thanked all of NASW's many volunteers.

Grievance committee chair Dan Ferber reported that the committee has been on hiatus for about a year, but is now becoming more active. The committee plans to focus on developing methods to help writers protect themselves and also on making more information and resources available on the website.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.

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