2013 Lindau travel fellows selected

Since 2008, the Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings has provided National Association of Science Writers' members who are working journalists or freelancers attending on assignment from a media outlet the opportunity to apply for the travel grants to its annual Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany.

This year NASW leadership selected two NASW members to receive this travel funding. The funding covers airfare to Germany, accommodation, and the conference fee.

Congratulations to the 2013 recipients:

David Bjerklie, TIME Magazine and TIME for Kids

Lisa Winter, Evolution and IFLS

The 63rd Meeting of Nobel Laureates, which is dedicated to chemistry this year, takes place June 30-July 5, 2013, in Lindau, Germany. These meetings bring together Nobel Laureate scientists with hundreds of young researchers, and NASW members are invited to join in the conversations. They are currently expecting 35 Nobel Laureates and 600 young researchers from approximately 70 countries to participate. To learn more about the meetings, visit http://www.lindau-nobel.org. The website includes a list and profiles of the attending Nobel Laureates.

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