2016-2018 Board election results

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We are pleased to announce the results of the recent NASW elections.

2016-2018 NASW Board


President: Laura Helmuth**, the Washington Post
Vice President: Siri Carpenter, freelance and The Open Notebook
Treasurer: Robert Frederick**, American Scientist
Secretary: Jill Adams**, freelance

Board members-at-large

Nsikan Akpan, PBS NewsHour
Brooke Borel, freelance
Seth Mnookin**, MIT and freelance
Kendall Powell, freelance
Hillary Rosner**, freelance
Jill Sakai**, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Matt Shipman, North Carolina State University
John Travis, Science
Emily Willingham**, freelance
Alexandra Witze, Nature, Science News
Philip Yam, Simons Foundation
** current board member

Congratulations to all!

The new board will take office on Oct. 28, prior to the ScienceWriters2016 meeting. The current board will continue to serve until then.

We are grateful to the candidates for volunteering to help lead the organization and grateful to the following current board members who are cycling off the board, having given a collective 30+ years of service to the organization. Our deepest thanks to these “retiring" board members, many of whom will continue to volunteer in other capacities:

Retiring board members

Robin Marantz Henig, president, freelance, first elected to the board in 1998
Deborah Franklin, secretary, NPR, first elected to the board in 2010
Jeff Grabmeier, the Ohio State University, first elected to the board in 2010
Michael Lemonick, Scientific American, first elected to the board in 2010
A’ndrea Elyse Messer, Penn State, first elected to the board in 2012
Dave Mosher, Business Insider, first elected to the board in 2014
Brian Switek, freelance, first elected to the board in 2014

Please join us in San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 28-Nov.1 for ScienceWriters2016 as we welcome our new board members and pay tribute to those who are retiring. We will also announce a very special tribute to longtime board member Peggy Girshman who died this spring but whose spirit of advocacy for members and science writing lives large.

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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