Announcing the new NASW Excellence in Institutional Writing Award

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We're pleased to announce the brand new NASW Excellence in Institutional Writing Award. The award will honor quality, clarity, and effectiveness in institutional science writing produced by staff or freelance writers and carries a cash prize of $2,000. Eligibility is platform-independent: Entries could include press releases, news stories, feature stories, magazine articles, web content, audio or video scripts, and similar materials. Entries for work produced in the 2017 calendar year will open in 2018, so finish the year strong and plan to enter your best work. Official rules and call for entries will be announced in early 2018 at Entries will be open to members and non-members.

This new award was developed by NASW's PIO Committee over the last several years, with input from the Awards Committee and the Board. Special thanks to the efforts of numerous contributors including Amber Dance, Jeff Grabmeier, Laura Helmuth, Earle Holland, Alla Katsnelson, Dennis Meredith, Michael Newman, Patricia Quigley, Jill Sakai, and Kelly Tyrrell. The award will be coordinated and administered by the Awards Committee, chaired by Alla Katsnelson.

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