Annual Meeting Committee members for 2011

We were delighted to receive an outpouring of response from members interested in assisting with choosing content and structuring the flow of the 2011 workshops. While unable to accept all of these offers of assistance in order to keep the committee to a manageable working size, we are pleased to have an excellent group and think it represents, of those who stepped forward, many varied elements of our membership, as well as a shared passion for our craft.

Thank you to

Members (2011):
Rick Borchelt, NCI
Merry Bruns, ScienceSites Communications
Emily Caldwell, OSU
Amber Dance, Freelance
David Harris
Joe Kullman, ASU
Carol Milano, Freelance
Michael Newman, NIST
Katy Orchowski, Grad Student, McGill University
Megan Scudellari, Freelance
Ashley Yeager, Freelance
Emily Jane Willingham, Freelance

For more about the Annual Meeting committee, visit

ScienceWriters2011 begins October 14 in Flagstaff, Arizona. Watch for updates.

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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