Apply by March 17 for Laura Van Dam travel fellowship

The National Association of Science Writers invites applications for the Laura Van Dam Travel Fellowships to this summer's meeting of the World Conference of Science Journalists in Seoul, Korea scheduled for June 8-12, 2015.

Up to two travel fellowships, each in the amount of $2,500, will be awarded in memory of past NASW President Laura Van Dam, who died in 2006. Laura was a strong supporter of NASW's commitment to international science writing and, in fact, helped organize the first meeting of the World Federation of Science Journalists in Montreal in 2004. Our goal is not only to encourage ties between NASW and the World Federation as a way of helping the development of our craft around the world, but also to give the selected Van Dam fellows a chance to pursue story opportunities in Korea and the region, especially at a time when travel budgets are tight for many writers.

General information and a preliminary program for the WCSJ2015 can be found at The conference is scheduled for June 8-12, 2015, and the travel grant is designed to subsidize airfare, registration, travel insurance, and contribute to lodging costs. Monies will be distributed only upon submission of travel receipts post-meeting.

Those who would like to be considered for a Van Dam fellowship should send a resume and a letter combined into a single PDF file that explains:

  • How this trip would fit into the kind of reporting you are now doing

  • What stories you might do in Korea that cannot be done here and potential markets for these stories

  • What you hope to get out of attending the conference itself

Attach the single PDF to an email and send to director at NO LATER than Tuesday, March 17 at 11:59 p.m. Include "Van Dam Fellowship" in the subject line. In order to serve as many writers as possible, those applicants who have not received any travel fellowship from NASW in the last three years will be prioritized.

Successful applicants will be notified by April 7, in plenty of time for WCSJ2015's early registration discount. Please note that awardees are responsible for all of their own travel arrangements, including acquisition of necessary visa and other passport documentation. Awardees are strongly urged to secure personal travel insurance and research U.S. State Department guidelines for countries visited.

To learn more about the meeting, visit

American Heart Association travel stipends

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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