Board election results

More than 450 NASW members participated in the recent election of our volunteer board.

Congratulations and welcome to the volunteer board members for 2020-2022:

Jill Adams, president

Cassandra Willyard, vice president

Sandeep Ravindran, treasurer

Kendall Powell, secretary

Shraddha Chakradhar

Jennifer Cutraro

Jane Hu

Jyoti Madhusoodanan

Marilynn Marchione

Rodrigo Pérez Ortega

Erin Ross

Jill Sakai

Matt Shipman

Ramin Skibba

Sarah Zielinski

Read the board members' bios here.

The new board’s first day of service will be October 14. The usual all-day in-person meeting that coincides with the ScienceWriters conference will be split into several virtual sessions over the course of October. Throughout the year, board members will continue regular monthly meetings via conference call to tackle such issues as planning programming, engaging membership, refining governance issues, managing finances, and continuing to work on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Thank you to all the excellent candidates for running, to the Nominating Committee for making decisions at the voting booth tough — in the best of ways — and to all who voted.

Thank you to our outgoing board members

  • Siri Carpenter
  • Jennifer Cox
  • Lila Guterman
  • Kathryn Jepsen
  • Seth Mnookin
  • Hillary Rosner
  • Alexandra Witze

Thank you to our outgoing board members for your service on behalf of the community. In no year is it easy to add volunteer duties on top of work and caregiving, but in 2020 your sustained attention and passion has been inspiring. You have sought to create opportunity amidst the tumult, supporting the creativity of committees in addressing need. ScienceWriters2020 will have more than 1,000 attendees and has sparked ideas for a new tradition of virtual community building; there will be two rounds of Idea Grants instead of one; and the focus on how diversity, equity, and inclusion that infuses every aspect of NASW continues. The strength of any board is a multitude of perspectives, and you have valued this about each other, fully considering positions different from your own.

Finally, thank you to outgoing president, Siri Carpenter. One of my favorite parts of this role is the privilege of working with new volunteer leadership every two years. Each president brings their own style and talents. In Siri, I have learned how deeply empathy impacts leadership. In addition to somehow creating 27 hours in a 24 hour day and bringing her deft editing skills to bear at a moment’s notice, Siri’s vision and strategic thinking are rooted in her knowledge, experience, and ability to consider the views from lenses not her own.

To each outgoing board member, I offer my deepest gratitude. To each incoming board member, welcome. And to all of NASW’s volunteers, in every project, program, and committee, THANK YOU for all you do to support this incredible community.

Tinsley Davis
Executive Director

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