At the Board Meeting

By Adam Rogers

The NASW board just finished its meeting. No spoilers for the business meeting tomorrow. Primarily we were there to think big and long-term. We're working on a vision statement for NASW that encompasses the turmoil in science journalism over the past few years (and what we hope are some values that should remain constant). And with those guiding principles in mind, we figured out a few key goals for the next few years--new approaches to outreach, membership, and the structure and purpose of NASW that we hope will address some longstanding concerns of members. Nobody escaped without new committee assignments and new responsibilities for those committees.

If you're wondering, as I used to, what board members actually talk about: Turns out it's almost all about figuring out what members need, and then doing that.

More info tomorrow at the NASW business meeting, 8 to 9 am, as well as on the new website.

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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