Call for volunteers extended: Prospective Board candidates

Later this year, NASW members will elect new officers and Board members. We are looking for volunteers to help shape NASW leadership. Interested in getting involved? Read below for details on how to join the list of candidates or apply for the Nominating Committee.

Any regular member in good standing may run for the board. There are two ways to join the list of Board candidates:

  • The Nominating Committee, working from submissions of interest and recruitment, will compile a list of candidates this spring. The role of the all-volunteer Nominating Committee is dictated by the Bylaws. The committee’s goal is to develop a diverse and inclusive list of candidates who are committed to the goals of NASW and who are qualified and willing to undertake the commitments of volunteer leadership. Interested candidates should send a statement of interest (500 words max) and bio to no later than the end of the day, Friday March 20. Include your past volunteer experience with NASW and/or other organizations, any special skills or perspectives you bring, and your motivations for volunteering. This deadline reflects an extension due to the pressures placed on many by COVID-19.


  • Candidates who are not nominated by the Nominating Committee may collect 20 signatures to run by petition. The NASW Bylaws provide details. Petitions are due no later than April 9.

All potential candidates should carefully review the “Information for Prospective Board Members” packet, which contains lots of detail on the expectations and responsibilities of board members. Elections will take place in late summer and all regular members will be able to vote in person or issue a proxy online. Watch for details via or your inbox.

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