Career Development Grant applications open - Apply by April 30, 2015

The National Association of Science Writers is pleased to announce our fifth round of Career Grants. Since 2009, over $100,000 has been distributed to help established science writers advance their careers.

We will award grants of up to $2,500 each to support education, training or other activities that help established science writers continue or advance their careers in today's rapidly changing media environment. All established science writers, whether freelancers or employees of publications, universities, or other organizations, are eligible to apply. Projects proposed should be aimed at primarily benefiting the applicant as an individual rather than the employer. The size and number of the grants will depend on specific proposals received; NASW will award up to a total of $15,000 of our Authors Coalition funds in the current round.

How to apply

The application consists of a statement and short resume. The statement, of not more than 1,000 words, should give a detailed description of the activities you propose, how and why they will help you meet the particular professional challenges you now face, what they will cost, the dollar amount you are requesting from NASW ($2,500 maximum), and how you will spend the grant money. Avoid generalizations; we want to know specifically how the proposed activities would result in career improvement. In evaluating proposals, we will favor activities or acquisitions that seem highly likely to increase the overall scope of the person's career opportunities. Funding for research of book proposals or unassigned articles is not generally eligible under the Career Grant program. Include a resume (of not more than 2 pages) outlining your professional career and accomplishments. Previous career grant awardees may not apply.

For examples of the types of proposals funded see

Important details

75% of funds will be awarded initially, with the remainder awarded upon submission of appropriate receipts and a short closing letter. If award amounts require it, a 1099 will be issued to the recipient. Any and all applicable income and other taxes are the responsibility of the awardee.

Applications are due April 30, 2015. Successful applicants will be notified by May 15, 2015.

Funds must be spent and receipts received by December 1, 2015. Funds may not be pre-spent, i.e. prior to grant notification, or awarded retroactively.

Please ensure your project can meet this timeline.

Submission instructions

In order to manage the large number of submissions and make the job of our volunteer committee manageable, we need strict adherence to the following guidelines. Submissions that do not follow these instructions will not be considered.


  • the statement (1,000-word max, 10 pt Arial, with your name,email address, total amount requested, and a single summary phrase listed at the top of the page)
  • resume (no font or formatting requirement other than a 2- page maximum length)

COMBINED as a SINGLE PDF titled "YOUR-LAST-NAME NASW CGS Round5" with the subject line "YOUR-LAST-NAME NASW CGS Round 5" to no later than April 30, 2015.


Successful applicants will be notified by May 15, 2015.

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