Career Development Grants awarded

We are pleased to announce the recipients of NASW's first Career Development Grants, developed to support education, training or other activities that help established science writers continue or advance their careers in today's rapidly changing media environment. The grant offers reimbursement of up to $2,500 for proposed activities. The program is supported by funds that NASW receives as part of the Authors Coalition of America, which distributes royalties on US copyrights collected overseas. Fifty-one applicants submitted requests totaling over $84,000.

In choosing among many worthy and varied proposals, the selection committee was guided both by individual proposals' quality and by the program's purpose of providing opportunities for established science writers to adapt, redirect or expand their careers in very challenging times. Successful proposals generally fell in the categories of training, equipment, and — for freelance and staff writers alike — travel that would produce opportunities to gain new clients, broaden professional networks or enhance skills.

Interest in the program far exceeded the initial $25,000 budget, so we are pleased to announce that NASW will offer a second round of Career Development Grant applications later this year. Be on the lookout for the program announcement with dates and application instructions.

Congratulations to:

  • Catherine Clabby, editor and writer at American Scientist, $1,200 for multimedia bootcamp attendance
  • Erin Cline Davis, science writer 23andMe, $413 for Poynter's NewsU multimedia classes
  • Dan Ferber, freelance science writer, $2,100 for Poynter Institute class on online storytelling
  • Jane Gardner, freelance science writer, $1,000 for a grant writing class
  • Erica Gies, freelance writer and editor, $2,500 for radio assignment story reporting in Guyana
  • Karen Heyman, freelance writer and editor, $1,500 for sequence of courses to increase skills in mathematics
  • Barbara Kennedy, Director of Media Relations and Public Information for Penn State University's Eberly College of Science, $2,500 for travel to Global Forum for Health Research meeting in Cuba
  • Ken Kostel, freelance science writer, $1,331.78 for digital audio and video equipment
  • Nancy Lamontagne, freelance science writer, $2,450 for meeting attendance and multimedia bootcamp
  • Barbara Moran, freelance science journalist, $2,045 for a Rockport workshop class on web design and sound recording
  • Karen Rafinski, freelance journalist, $213.75 for online multimedia courses
  • Tinker Ready, writer and instructor at Northeastern and Boston University, $2,024 for digital audio equipment
  • Bill Retherford, writer and producer, $657.10 for continuing education class on Florida's geological landscape and environment
  • Linda Roach, freelance science writer, $1,659 for community college and Poynter Institute webinars for multimedia training
  • Bob Roehr, freelance science writer, $1,000 for travel to the National HIV Prevention Conference
  • David Taylor, freelance science writer, $2,109 for digital film editing training and travel

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