Changes in the new year

The indispensable Diane McGurgan, the boundless heart and sweet soul of NASW, will be stepping down effective January 1 as executive director, after a generation of tireless service to science writers.

There are not the words to adequately sum up her role in the growth of this organization and her contribution to our craft over so many years. We will not, however, have to say good bye yet. She will assume the formal title of senior executive consultant to advise our new executive director, Tinsley Davis, during the transition. Diane will officially retire in June 2009. We made this announcement, as many of you will know, at our annual business meeting in Spokane. This makes it official for the rest of us. In the following months, we will be forming a committee to plan ways to honor Diane's service to NASW. If you would like to be part of this group, please send an email to

Robert Lee Hotz President National Association of Science Writers

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Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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