Congratulations to the #SciWri19 travel fellows

Ten science communicators and three graduate students have been selected for National Association of Science Writers (NASW) travel fellowships to attend ScienceWriters2019 in State College, Pa.

Travel Fellowships are open to any science writer, editor, publication information officer, or journalism instructor with a financial need. Graduate Travel Fellowships are offered to current students enrolled in a science writing program. The awards, supported by NASW with Authors Coalition of America funds, provide up to $1,000 to cover the costs of attending the ScienceWriters meeting. Learn more about these fellowships and their requirements.

A collage of headshots of the 2019 Travel Fellows

NASW Travel Fellows to ScienceWriters2019

Selected from a competitive pool of 47 applicants, the 2019 NASW Travel Grant Recipients are:

  • Danya AbdelHameid, freelance, Alexandria, VA
  • Bradley Allf, freelance, Chapel Hill, NC
  • Alisson Clark, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
  • Grant Currin, freelance, Nashville, TN
  • Jennifer DeMoss, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
  • Erin Garcia de Jesus, American Geophysical Union, Arlington, VA
  • Chia-Yi Hou, freelance, New York, NY
  • Alla Katsnelson, freelance, Northampton, MA
  • Andrei Mihai, ZME Science, Birmingham, UK
  • Huanjia Zhang, freelance, Philadelphia, PA

headshots of the NASW Graduate Travel Fellows to ScienceWriters2019

NASW Graduate Travel Fellows to ScienceWriters2019

Selected from a talented pool of 28 applicants, the 2019 NASW Graduate Travel Grant Recipients are:

  • Susan D’Agostino, Johns Hopkins University
  • Tara Santora, New York University
  • Vanessa Vieites, Florida International University

The Travel Fellowship selection committee comprised volunteers from NASW's Program Committee, NASW committee chairs, and the board. Special thanks go to reviewers Jennifer Cox, PIO and Program Committee member; Kathryn Jepsen, board member and Internet Committee co-chair; Amanda Mascarelli, Program Committee member; Michael Newman, Program Committee member and PIO Committee co-chair; Czerne Reid, Program Committee member and Education Committee co-chair, and Cassandra Willyard, board member.

Committee members who reviewed the Travel Fellowship applications reported: "There were so many deserving applicants; it was a challenge to narrow it down. We prioritized applicants who had not previously attended the NASW annual meeting and those who had not previously received a travel fellowship. We also took into consideration service to NASW and the potential impact attending the meeting would have on the recipients' careers."

Committee members reviewing the student applications selected "candidates who showed excellent writing skills and a passion for science writing and who we felt could benefit most from attending the meeting.”

ScienceWriters2019 will take place at Penn State in State College, Pa. A joint meeting of NASW and the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW), the annual ScienceWriters meetings offer a mix of professional development workshops, briefings on the latest scientific research, extensive networking opportunities, and field trips, with content to appeal to both the newest writers and seasoned professionals. Learn more and register.

Joining the NASW travel fellows at #SciWri19 are five Regional Travel Fellows from Latin America and two CASW New Horizons Travel Fellows.

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