Diversity Fellowships announced

We are pleased to announce Irineo Cabreros and Jennifer Leman as recipients of NASW's 2018 Diversity Fellowships. As fellows, Cabreros and Leman will each receive $5,000 to help defray relocation and living costs associated with completing a summer internship.

Cabreros and Leman were selected from a deep and talented pool of applicants. Cabreros is a graduate student in Applied & Computational Mathematics at Princeton University and will intern at Slate as part of the AAAS Mass Media Fellowship program. Leman is a graduate student in UC Santa Cruz's Science Communication Program and will intern at Inside Science, a science news service run out of the American Institute of Physics. Both selectees were lauded by judges for their exceptional writing ability and compelling personal stories.

Now in its second year, the NASW Diversity Fellowship was conceived out of the recognition that making ends meet on an intern's salary can be hard. The fellowship is designed to supplement summer internship stipends and thereby lower a key barrier to entering the science journalism profession. The competition was open to any member of an underrepresented group who intended to complete a science-journalism internship this summer. A special thanks to this year's judges: Francie Diep, Azeen Ghorayshi, Thomas Lin, Czerne Reid, and Marissa Shieh for their time and help in selecting the 2018 Fellows.

The fellowship is part of ongoing efforts by the NASW Diversity Committee to address the lack of minorities in science journalism. The committee recently teamed up with The Open Notebook to launch a series dedicated to bringing greater visibility to journalists from underrepresented communities and to issues of special relevance to those communities.

Special thanks to the Diversity Committee for their volunteer work and leadership:


  • Shraddha Chakradhar
  • Ashley Smart


  • Nsikan Akpan
  • Pakinam Amer
  • Juliet Beverly
  • Mollie Bloudoff-Indelicato
  • Jennifer Bogo
  • Maggie Koerth-Baker
  • Robin Lloyd
  • Apoorva Mandavilli
  • Christina Selby
  • Marissa Shieh
  • Ramin Skibba
  • Nidhi Subbaraman
  • Kelly Tyrell
  • Marcus Woo
  • Philip Yam

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