The Evolving Journalist

By Marla Vacek Broadfoot

Hey there, I’m Marla Broadfoot, one of the NASW travel fellows. I’ll be blogging on Saturday about the session “Rebooting Science Journalism: Adapting to the New Media Landscape,” which features Emily Bell, Betsy Matson and Bora Zivkovic. The session is supposed to explore how we as science journalists should evolve to survive in this changing media landscape. These new media forms make me as nervous as the next person, so I am looking forward to a lively discussion on what we as writers can do to stay in the rat race, at the same time continuing to do justice to the science.

As for me, I’m a freelancer living in a little town outside of Raleigh, North Carolina, where I write for clients such as the Raleigh News & Observer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Mayo Clinic, American Scientist and Duke University. Before I was a writer I did a stint as a scientist, earning my Ph.D. in genetics from UNC-Chapel Hill and doing a postdoc in clinical molecular diagnostics at the National Human Genome Research Institute. You can read more about me on my website or in a recent interview at A Blog Around the Clock and

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