Sci-Buddies, first-timers, and student attendees are invited to meet for lunch during ScienceWriters2012 on Saturday, October 27
For the third year in a row, NASW is offering its successful “Sci-Buddy” mentoring program for first-time attendees and students. “Sci-Buddies” are veterans of past NASW conferences who volunteer to introduce newcomers and students to other attendees; help them avoid confusion and anxiety by being a source of information and advice on meeting sessions, networking and other topics; and in general, help make ScienceWriters2012 the most productive and satisfying time possible for all.
Anyone wishing to be a “Sci-Buddy” should alert the folks at the registration desk upon arrival. “Buddies” will receive a special "Ask Me" ribbon so that newcomers and students will know whom to approach for help. First-timers should ask for their special ribbon that identifies them as new to the annual conference experience.To kick things off, there will be specially marked tables at the Saturday, October 27, lunch (Raleigh Convention Center Room 306) where first-timers, students and “Sci-Buddies” can get together, share some lively discussion and start new friendships. If you’re in one of these groups, please join us!
Questions? Contact Michael Newman at (301) 975-3025 or