Freelancing in a Crisis: NASW members invited to virtual Q&A

Are you a freelancer wondering how best to cover COVID-19? NASW members are invited to join in a virtual informal Q&A session with freelancers Roxanne Khamsi and Wudan Yan this Thursday, April 23 at 11:00 AM Pacific. Wudan and Roxanne, who have been actively covering COVID-19, will talk about how they work during a fast-paced crisis and address members’ questions.

Roxanne Khamsi is a writer and editor formerly based in Brooklyn and now living in Montreal. Her articles have appeared in publications such as The New York Times, The Economist, Popular Science, Scientific American, Slate, Nature, New York magazine, WIRED magazine and the MIT Technology Review. She served as chief news editor at Nature Medicine for almost a decade and reported for New Scientist.

Wudan Yan is an independent journalist, photographer, and fact-checker based in Seattle. Her writing about science, health, environment, global development, and human rights has appeared in the California Sunday Magazine, Discover, High Country News, Mongabay, the New Yorker, the New York Times, PRI, and STAT News, among others. Wudan co-hosts The Writer’s Co-Op with Jenni Gritters, a business podcast for freelancers, which is supported by an NASW Idea Grant.

Many thanks to Wudan and Roxanne for volunteering their time to share their experiences.

Freelancing in a Crisis: NASW member Q&A with Roxanne Khamsi and Wudan Yan

Time: Thursday, Apr 23, 2020 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Bring your questions. We will use the chat function to solicit questions from attendees and will break into groups toward the end for small-group discussion.


Click here for information on how to join the Zoom meeting.

Members, login to access the link.

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