Going to AAAS? Be a mentor


The NASW Education Committee is again sponsoring its annual mentoring program at the AAAS meeting in Chicago, February 13-17, and we are looking for veteran writers to volunteer as mentors. We will match mentors with students in graduate science writing programs or undergrads who have displayed a serious interest in science journalism.

If you would like to help, please complete the form below and copy it into a new email to mentor@nasw.org with “2014 AAAS mentor” as the subject line. Please also note your availability at the AAAS meeting and your background, and we'll assign a student to you before the meeting starts. Please let us know if you would like to be a mentor as soon as possible, preferably by Jan. 27.

Mentors and students will gather for an orientation session at the AAAS meeting on Friday, Feb 14 at 4 p.m. If you can't make that gathering, it’s okay to contact your student in advance and arrange when to meet.

Mentors have traditionally had their students shadow them for a day or half-day, showing them how they select talks and press conferences for coverage. But your involvement is totally up to you; if you prefer, you can have lunch or breakfast together and be available for questions throughout the meeting, or find some other way to help. We welcome staff journalists, PIOs, and freelancers — careers of all stripes are useful as models for the students.

Many former mentees are now regular mentors because they found the program so inspiring. Please help NASW continue this valuable tradition.

We endeavor to match areas of interest as closely as possible. We'll make our pairings about one week prior to AAAS.

— Ashley Yeager and Czerne Reid, Education Committee co-chairs

This brief form will help us match you with a new science writer with similar interests to your own. Just complete the form below and copy it into a new email to mentor@nasw.org with “2014 AAAS mentor” as the subject line.


Name: _________________________________

Affiliation: _________________________________

Phone: _________________________________

Email: _________________________________

Website: _________________________________

My preferred days to mentor are: ___Fri ___Sat ___Sun

Current position and responsibilities:

Science field(s) of particular interest:

Will you be filing stories from the annual meeting or working media conferences?

Briefly, my background is (include educational training, a summary of positions held, etc.):

Have you been a mentor before? If so, when?

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