How may we help you? Let us know

NASW already uses its funds to cover travel fellowships and career grants, and to underwrite a portion of the annual workshops to keep registration fees low. Now, we also are soliciting big ideas for the organization to develop new ways to serve science writers. What about new grant programs? What kind? For whom? A second annual meeting? A special research fund? Underwriting studies of the field of science writing? Hiring a lobbyist? Underwriting prizes?

If you have an idea for a new direction the organization might take, please write it up in 1,500 words or fewer. Include as many specifics as possible, discuss the audiences it would serve, how this fits the NASW mission, and the approximate cost.

Send proposals of no more than 1,500 words as a PDF with your name and contact details at the top to by June 1, 2011. The email subject line should be "Ideas for NASW-Your Last Name".

The NASW Program Committee will evaluate the proposals and forward a selection to the NASW Board for consideration and budgeting.

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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