Internship Fair and mentoring at AAAS

The National Association of Science Writers will again sponsor several exciting programs for student journalists during the American Association for the Advancement of Science 2014 meeting in Chicago. This year’s meeting is Feb. 13-17, in Chicago. All NASW activities require students to have applied for NASW membership by Feb. 1. Participants also must have registered separately for the AAAS meeting.

Internship Fair

NASW student members are invited to interview with editors from top magazines, research institutes, national labs and other science communication outlets during a speed-dating style internship fair on Saturday, February 15. Please read important location, qualification, and preparation details in the full announcement at

You can also read an insider's guide to getting the most out of the internship fair.

Mentoring Program

NASW is again sponsoring its popular mentoring program, pairing undergraduate and graduate students with senior journalists and public information officers interested in similar beats.

Students who have pre-registered for the mentoring program should attend the orientation session

Mentoring Program Orientation for pre-registered students and mentors

Friday, February 14
4:00-5:00 p.m.
The Swissotel Chicago, Alpine Ballroom
(The meeting for travel fellows begins earlier, at 3 p.m., in the same location.)

Thank you to the NASW Education Committee, chaired by volunteers Czerne Reid and Ashley Yeager, and Internship Fair Coordinator volunteer Jenny Cutraro for organizing these events. Thank you also to the NASW members giving of their time to serve as mentors.

EurekAlert! member survey

NAS Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

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