An invitation to October 23’s annual membership meeting

All members (whether registered for ScienceWriters2020 or not) are invited to attend the annual membership meeting.

Annual Membership Meeting of the National Association of Science Writers
Friday, October 23
5:30 p.m. EDT

See agenda below

Join us at 5 p.m. for an informal social.

To be held online:

This online meeting will be held on the platform Remo. Remo is a networking and presentation space that looks like a conference room floor plan, and attendees can move around the space to meet and video chat with others. This is a new platform to many, so please read the details carefully and test your tech well ahead of the meeting.

The event will start at 5 p.m. EDT with 30 minutes of social time. Attendees can mingle via video by clicking on virtual tables and joining the conversation with up to five other people who have landed at the same table. Move around as much as you wish. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. EDT. The agenda, including presentation of the annual Diane McGurgan Service Award, is posted below. When presentation mode is on, all attendees' cameras and mics will be automatically turned off, and everyone will see the main screen.

The link for the meeting is: You must use the email that matches the one associated with your NASW membership. You do NOT need to be registered for ScienceWriters2020 to attend.

The meeting is available on mobile devices, desktops, or laptops; tablets are not supported. Make sure your browser is updated to the latest version. Check your tech and troubleshoot ahead of time via

You can register at the link well ahead of the meeting (i.e., now) and take time to create a profile if you choose. Simply visit and click on "Confirm my attendance."

As with any online event, please do not wait until one minute before the start to test your tech or show up. You can log in early, make sure everything is working, and then turn off your camera and mic until the meeting starts.



  • 5:30 p.m. EDT Call meeting to order
  • Welcome
  • President's report
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Board meeting report
  • Statement from the Diversity Committee
  • Presentation of the Diane McGurgan Volunteer Service Award
  • Adjourn

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