Laura Van Dam travel fellows selected

Congratulations to the two recipients of the Laura Van Dam Travel Fellowships to this summer's meeting of the World Conference of Science Journalists in Seoul, Korea June 8-12, 2015: freelance science writers John Cannon, currently based in the Central African Republic, and Jeremy Hsu, based in New York.

The fellowships are awarded in memory of past NASW President Laura Van Dam, who died in 2006. Laura was a strong supporter of NASW's commitment to international science writing and, in fact, helped organize the first meeting of the World Federation of Science Journalists in Montreal in 2004. Our goal is not only to encourage ties between NASW and the World Federation as a way of helping the development of our craft around the world, but also to give the selected Van Dam fellows a chance to pursue story opportunities in Seoul and the region. During WCSJ2015, a team from NASW, CASW, UCSF, and Berkeley will be presenting a bid to host WCSJ2017 right here in the US, in the hopes of bringing this international experience within reach of many more members.

General information, registration, and a preliminary program for the WCSJ2015 can be found at NASW members can register at a discounted price. Register by April 26 for the early rate.

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