McGurgan award goes to Richard Robinson

Congratulations to Richard Robinson, this year's winner of the Diane McGurgan Service Award. Richard, currently chair of NASW's actively engaged freelance committee, embodies the enthusiasm and spirit of the McGurgan Award. A member since 1996, Richard has contributed steadfastly to the listservs, shepherded the development of the Words' Worth compensation database, and has lobbied tirelessly on behalf of his fellow freelancers.

"Richard is that special combination of energy, intelligence and generosity," said NASW president Robert Lee Hotz. "In his work with the freelance committee and his sustained contributions online, Richard strives tirelessly to advance the cause of science writing. Ours is an organization that depends on the spirit of its volunteers and Richard exemplifies the best of us."

The award was established in 2001 when NASW member Louis Lerner, who passed away in 2006, wished to show appreciation for then Executive Director Diane McGurgan and other members whose efforts on behalf of NASW go beyond the call of duty. After sending an unsolicited check for $2,500 to NASW, he left it up to the organization to decide how best administer the money. At Diane's suggestion, it founded an annual service award with a cash prize of $500. After the initial funds were disbursed (2002-2006), the NASW board voted to continue the awards at the same $500 annual level. The certificate and check were presented to Richard, in absentia, at this year's ScienceWriters meeting in Palo Alto, California. Richard, thank you for all of your hard work and the example that you set.

Previous Winners of the Diane McGurgan Service Award

2002 - Diane McGurgan 2003 - Beryl Benderley 2004 - Mariette DiChristina and Kelli Whitlock 2005 - Nancy Shute and Corinna Wu 2006 - Ruth Winter 2007 - Dan Ferber

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