Front row L to R:
Elizabeth Ladyzhets, Barnard College; Ana Flores, St. Edward's University; Shelby Condit, Colorado State University; Shelby Whitehead, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Back row L to R: Taylor White, Suffolk University; Jodie Lunger, University of Toronto; Mary-Elizabeth Jobson, University of Florida; Marisa Sloan, University of North Carolina -Greensboro; Adam Peasley, Austin Community College; Courtney Adams, Texas A&M University. Credit: Ashley Yeager
Fellows covered scientific sessions and wrote related news stories for publication on the NASW website. Topics include neurobiological and public health perspectives on early life adversity, attribution of extreme weather and climate events, science diplomacy and North Korea, multi-messenger astrophysics, biodiversity, graduate STEM education, microbiology, multidisciplinary advances in mass spectrometry, how science and faith can work together, and extreme ecosystems. These stories will be the first national-level clips for many of the students.
The NASW Education Committee, co-chaired by Czerne Reid, a lecturer at the University of Florida College of Medicine, and Ashley Yeager, an associate editor at The Scientist, selected the fellows from a competitive and diverse pool of applicants. Academic majors represented in this year’s class include biology, journalism, chemistry, microbiology and cell science, biomedical sciences and pharmacology.
Fellows were paired with NASW volunteer mentors and treated to a specially designed orientation, during which they heard a talk by Kasha Patel, a science comedian and NASA science writer. Students also had the opportunity to meet with editors from top news and science writing outlets during the NASW Internship Fair, coordinated by Erik Vance, a freelance science writer and author of Suggestible You. Recruiters included NPR, The Washington Post, Nature, Science News, Chemical & Engineering News, Audubon, FermiLab, Cell Press/Elsevier, EOS: Earth and space science news, Yale Medicine Magazine and Jefferson.
Be on the lookout for the fellows’ stories, which will be posted here.
2019 NASW Undergraduate Travel Fellows
Courtney Adams, Texas A&M University
Shelby Condit, Colorado State University
Ana Flores, St. Edward's University
Mary-Elizabeth Jobson, University of Florida
Elizabeth Ladyzhets, Barnard College
Jodie Lunger, University of Toronto
Adam Peasley, Austin Community College
Marisa Sloan, University of North Carolina -Greensboro
Taylor White, Suffolk University
Shelby Whitehead, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Editors and mentors for NASW Undergraduate Travel Fellows
Erika Check Hayden, Director, UC Santa Cruz Science Communication Program
Amber Dance, Freelance Science Writer contributing to Nature, PNAS Front Matter, The Scientist
Jeff Grabmeier, Senior Director, Research Communications, The Ohio State University
Lila Guterman, Deputy News Editor, Science
Laurel Hamers, Science Writer, HHMI/Janelia
Rob Irion, Freelancer and Former Director, UC Santa Cruz Science Communication Program
Victoria Jaggard, Senior Editor for Science and Innovation, National Geographic
Czerne Reid, Lecturer, University of Florida College of Medicine
Kelly Tyrrell, Senior Science Writer, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sarah Webb, Freelance Science Writer contributing to Nature, Science, and Chemical & Engineering News
Ashley Yeager, Associate Editor, The Scientist